Mar 27, 2025  
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations

  • Academic Honors
  • Graduation Requirements and Commencement
  • Grades and Grading, Academic Progress

Registration, Schedule Changes and Attendance

Absences from Class and Class Attendance

General attendance policy

  1. It is the policy of Appalachian State University that class attendance is an important part of a student’s educational experience. Students are expected to attend every meeting of their classes and are responsible for class attendance. Regardless of what reasons there may be for absence, students are accountable for all academic activities, and faculty may require special work or tests to make up for the missed class or classes. In addition, faculty members are encouraged to make reasonable accommodations for students requesting to miss class due to the observance of religious holidays.

    Faculty, at their discretion, may include class attendance as a criterion in determining a student’s final grade in the course. On the first day of class, faculty must inform students of their class attendance policy and the effect of that policy on their final grade; both policies must be clearly stated in the class syllabus.

    A student who does not attend a class during one of its first two meetings may, at the discretion of the academic department, lose her or his seat in that class. Further, if a class meets only one time per week-e.g., a laboratory or an evening class-the student must attend the first meeting of that class or risk losing her or his seat.
  2. A syllabus is to be prepared for each course and distributed at the first of the semester. The syllabus should include the following: an explanation of course goals and objectives, the name of the text and any other materials required of each student, the instructor’s office hours, an explanation of how the grade is to be determined, and an explanation of any additional reading, papers, projects and examinations which the instructor expects to give or assign.
    Current syllabi should also reflect the following policies and statements: Academic Integrity Code, Disability Services, Attendance Policy, and the Statement on Student Engagement with Courses. (
  3. Syllabi for courses taught in the present and previous semester should be on file in the departmental offices and should be made available to students who request them. These syllabi would indicate the structure of courses as they are being or have been taught.
  4. If a student does not regularly attend an audited course, the instructor may request an administrative withdrawal grade to be assigned. The instructor should provide documentation to the Registrar’s Office with the recommendation.
  5. The Student Health Services does not write medical excuses for students who miss a class for illness or injury. However, faculty may call Health Services at (828) 262-3100 to verify the day and time the student was seen. The nature of the student’s illness or problem will not be divulged unless the student has signed the appropriate release of medical information.
  6. Classes prior to a university break or state holiday end with the student’s last meeting time for the day preceding the break or holiday.

Attendance policy relating to participation in University-sponsored activities

As an integral part of the academic program at Appalachian State University, the University sponsors and otherwise supports cocurricular programs, athletic programs, and other out-of-class activities such as field trips. Participation in such activities occasionally requires a student to miss one or more class meetings.

A student who expects to miss one or more class meetings because of participation in a University-sponsored activity has several responsibilities: the student (in person) will notify the instructor in advance of any absence; the student is expected to complete all work missed by making up the work in advance or by completing any compensatory assignment that may be required by the instructor; the student is expected to maintain satisfactory progress in the course; and the student (otherwise) is expected to maintain satisfactory attendance in the class if so required. In the event that a student anticipates that participation in a University-sponsored activity will require missing more than 10% of the class meetings, the student is required to discuss this matter with her or his instructor at the beginning of the semester and may be advised to drop the course.

If the above responsibilities are met, it is expected that the instructor will excuse the absence and permit the student to make up missed work in whatever manner the instructor deems appropriate.

Emergency absences

When a student is out of town and unable to return to campus due to hospitalization, death in the family, or other extenuating circumstances, the student or the student’s parents may contact the Office of Student Development to request that professors be notified as to the reason for the absence. This notification is conveyed to the appropriate departmental office as a matter of information only and does not serve as an official excuse for class absence. Only individual faculty members make this determination, and documentation may be requested by the faculty members. The Office of Student Development does not provide this service when notification is received after the absence has occurred. Also, if a student is in town, that student is responsible for notifying the individual faculty members that she/he will be missing class.



The Instructional Program

The instructional program at Appalachian State University is diversified, attempting to meet the needs of many types of students. In addition to the course offerings listed under each instructional department/program, students may elect to do independent study under the direction of selected faculty members, to participate in an internship, or to participate in the University honors program. Detailed information on each of these options is given in appropriate sections of this Undergraduate Bulletin.

The Undergraduate Bulletin is issued annually for the academic year, fall through subsequent summer; and, while course offerings are fairly continuous from year to year, the University reserves the right to make changes in curricula, degree requirements, and academic policies. The information in any given catalog/bulletin is, therefore, usually valid for the one-year period of its issue, and is superseded by subsequent issues. While changes in degree requirements do not affect a student already enrolled in a degree program, changes in academic policies become effective for all students on the date approved for implementation. Any interested person should consult the most recent issue of the Undergraduate Bulletin for current information about the instructional program.

In selecting a catalog, students must meet the following guidelines:

  1. All students may elect to graduate in accordance with the degree requirements as recorded in the catalog/bulletin that is current at the time of their first registration or any subsequent edition under the following conditions:
    1. The student is enrolled during a period in which the catalog/bulletin is in force.
    2. Any catalog chosen must not be more than ten years old (for example, the 2011-2012 catalog is valid through summer of 2021).
  2. Students must meet all requirements of the catalog/bulletin under which they wish to graduate except under the following conditions:
    1. Students who entered under a catalog prior to Fall 2009 should be allowed to move to a catalog dated Fall 2009 or later without being required to complete the 44 semester hour General Education program if it is determined by the appropriate Dean’s office to be in the best interest of the student. In these situations, the student will be required to complete the Core Curriculum in its entirety as well as the Writing in the Discipline (WID) and the Capstone courses in the General Education program. This policy is in effect for those students who entered the University prior to Fall 2009 and expires after Summer 2018.
    2. In those rare cases where specific required courses are no longer available, the appropriate Dean’s office will identify suitable substitutes in the student’s major/minor/concentration and Core Curriculum which do not increase the overall credit requirements.
    3. In those rare cases where specific required courses are no longer available, the Director of General Education will identify suitable substitutes for General Education requirements which do not increase the overall credit requirements.

In order to change the catalog/bulletin under which they intend to graduate, students must notify the office of the dean of the college/school in which they are enrolled, or the University College Academic Advising Office if they have not declared a major.

This policy applies to all Appalachian State University students, including but not limited to continuing students, returning students, and second degree seeking students; it is also applicable to students returning under one of the University forgiveness policies.

Registration at Appalachian indicates the student’s willingness to accept both published academic regulations and rules found in official announcements of the University.

In the interest of all its students, Appalachian reserves the right to decline admission, to suspend, or to require the withdrawal of a student when such action is, by due process, deemed in the interest of the University.

Policies and Procedures Concerning the Release of Student Information

  1. Purpose and scope of the statement:
    1. Purpose-This statement establishes updated guidelines for the University on the matter of confidentiality of student records. It has been developed in the light of legislation concerning access to and release of information maintained in student records in institutions of higher learning (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 [FERPA]). Any questions on these policies should be referred to the University Registrar.
    2. Scope-These policies encompass all student records maintained by the University. They apply to all students, current or former, at Appalachian State University.
  2. University policy regarding confidentiality of student information:
    1. In response to inquiries from the general public, such as prospective employers, credit investigators, etc., only the following directory information is released without the student’s permission:
      “the student’s name; local and permanent telephone listing; permanent address; University post office box number; E-mail address; academic classification; enrollment status during a particular academic term (i.e., full-time or part-time); field(s) of  study; dates of attendance; degrees, honors and awards received; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight, height, athletic statistics and photographic representations of members of athletic teams.” Students may choose to restrict disclosure of directory information by contacting the Registrar’s Office.
    2. Transcripts are released only upon the written request of the student. Transcripts will not be released if the student is financially indebted to the University.
    3. A student has the right to inspect the contents of her/his educational records with the exception of documents submitted to the University in confidence prior to January 1, 1975. Transcripts on file from other institutions are property of Appalachian and will not be returned to the student or sent elsewhere at her/his request.
    4. If parents or guardians request academic or personal information other than that specified in statement II.A., the request will not be honored without the student’s written permission unless the parent can present evidence of the student’s being dependent upon the parent for support as defined by the Federal Internal Revenue code.
    5. As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which a student’s education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records - including a student’s Social Security Number, grades, or other private information - may be accessed without the student’s consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to a student’s records and PII without the student’s consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to a student’s education records and PII without the student’s consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when the University objects to or does not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive a student’s PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without a student’s consent PII from the student’s education records, and they may track a student’s participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about the student that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.

Students’ Education Records at The University of North Carolina General Administration

Certain personally identifiable information about students (“education records”) may be maintained at The University of North Carolina General Administration, which serves the Board of Governors of the University system. This student information may be the same as, or derivative of, information maintained by a constituent institution of the University; or it may be additional information. Whatever their origins, education records maintained at The University of North Carolina General Administration are subject to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

FERPA provides that a student may inspect her or his education records. If the student finds the records to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights, the student may request amendment to the record. FERPA also provides that a student’s personally identifiable information may not be released to someone else unless (1) the student has given a proper consent for disclosure or (2) provisions of FERPA or federal regulations issued pursuant to FERPA permit the information to be released without the student’s consent.

A student may file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning failure of The University of North Carolina General Administration or an institution to comply with FERPA.

The policies of The University of North Carolina General Administration concerning FERPA may be inspected in the office at each constituent institution designated to maintain the FERPA policies of the institution. Policies of The UNC General Administration may also be accessed in the Office of the Secretary of The University of North Carolina General Administration.

Further details about FERPA and FERPA procedures are to be found at The UNC General Administration in the referenced policies. Questions about the policies may be directed to the Legal Affairs Division, The University of North Carolina, General Administration, 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 2688, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688; Tel: 919-962-4588).

Evaluation of Out-of-State Associate’s Degrees

A student who has earned an associate’s degree from another state may request that the Office of Transfer Services initiate a review of her or his coursework to determine if the student should be granted credit for completion of Appalachian’s General Education Program. A committee of three people (Director of the Office of Transfer Services, Director of General Education, and Assistant Director of General Education) will evaluate the coursework using the guidelines below. If the committee determines that the coursework satisfies the guidelines, it will notify the student and her or his advisor and instruct the transfer evaluators in the Office of Transfer Services to add credit for GEP MET (Appalachian’s designation for an associate’s degree which fulfills all requirements of the General Education Program) to the student’s record.

Completion of the following coursework, with a grade of “C” or better in each course, will fulfill the requirements of the General Education Program. These guidelines mirror those most frequently completed by students to complete the North Carolina General Education Core, which forms the basis of AA and AS degrees in the North Carolina Community College System.

44 semester hours in general education courses, including the following specific areas:

  • 8 hours (2 courses, with labs) in Natural Science
  • 3 hours in Math
  • 3 hours in Math, Computer Information Systems, or Statistics
  • 6 hours in English Composition
  • 12 hours of Humanities/Fine Arts in at least 3 disciplines; 3 hours must be Literature
  • 12 hours of Social/Behavioral Sciences in at least 3 disciplines; 3 hours must be History

General Education Completion at University of North Carolina System Institutions

A transfer student who provides sufficient evidence to demonstrate that she or he has completed the general education requirements at another of the 16 campuses in the University of North Carolina system will be considered to have fulfilled the lower-division general education requirements at Appalachian. To be eligible for inclusion in this policy, a student must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale at the time of transfer and a grade of “C” or better in all courses used to complete general education requirements at the transferring institution.

If a student transfers only part of the general education program from another of the campuses in the University of North Carolina system, then the student’s coursework will be articulated by the Office of Transfer Services and applied course by course into the General Education Program, with assistance from the Office of General Education.

Degree Requirements

Students should refer to the requirements of their respective college/school for information about their programs of study and confer with their advisors whenever problems arise.

Students should pursue required courses in the suggested sequence. Failure to do so may lead to scheduling difficulties and students may find that the subjects for which they wish to enroll are either not available or closed to students with advanced standing.

A minimum cumulative grade-point average of 2.00 must be earned in major courses taken at Appalachian.

Statement Concerning the Normal Number of Hours and Length of Time Required to Attain the Baccalaureate Degree

A baccalaureate degree at Appalachian typically requires 122-128 semester hours of course work. Students who satisfactorily complete an average of 15-16 hours per semester can complete the degree in four years (eight semesters). Factors that may increase the length of time for an individual student to complete a degree include: (1) taking less than the hours advised or averaging fewer than 15-16 credit hours per semester; (2) changing majors frequently; (3) dropping, failing, and repeating courses; (4) failing to meet course prerequisites; (5) taking unnecessary or inappropriate courses; (6) transferring from one institution to another; (7) adding a second academic concentration or a second minor; (8) delaying entry into academic programs; (9) withdrawing from school; and (10) entering the institution with an incomplete or inadequate secondary school background requiring some additional compensatory, developmental, or prerequisite courses. As mandated by the North Carolina General Assembly, students enrolling in more than 140 semester hours for the first baccalaureate degree will be assessed a 50% tuition surcharge on the excess hours.

Students are encouraged to take full advantage of the University’s advising and support services to ensure continuous progress toward graduation. Effective career decision-making, long-range semester-by-semester planning of courses, and careful selection of extracurricular commitments can provide direction and motivation necessary for effective use of time to graduation. Additional factors that may assure a student’s continuous progress toward graduation include good academic performance in freshman and basic prerequisite courses, advanced placement credit for introductory courses, and enrollment in summer sessions.

Courses of Instruction

Course Numbering. Courses are listed in numerical order within each academic discipline. Courses numbered 0001-0999 are developmental; 1000-1999 are normally for freshmen; 2000-2999 are normally for sophomores; 3000-3999 are normally for juniors; 4000-4999 are normally for seniors; and those numbered 5000 and above are only for graduate students. NOTE: With the exception of graduate classes, the numbering system does not preclude the possibility of students taking courses above or below the level of their classification, provided that they meet course prerequisites and/or any special requirements of the degree-granting college/school.

The figure in parentheses after the course title tells the credit in semester hours; for example, the figure (3) means three semester hours.

Semesters of the year in which the course is offered are represented by symbols: “F” for Fall semester, “S” for Spring semester and “SS” for a Summer Session.

A hyphen in the course number, credit, and semesters of the year in which the course is offered indicates that the course extends through more than one semester and that the preceding semester must be completed before the following semester can be taken.

The comma in the course number, credit, and semesters indicates that the course is continuous but that one semester may be taken independently of another.

The semicolon in the semesters offered indicates that the course is a one-semester course and is repeated in a subsequent semester. If the course is a two-semester sequence, the semicolon in the semester offered indicates that all courses listed are normally taught in the semesters indicated. Special requirements for admission to a course are stated after the word “prerequisite”.

Cross-Listed Courses. Certain courses are cross-listed with multiple departments using the same course number and covering the same content (e.g. C I 2010 /ITC 2010 ). Students enroll for the course through their major department in order to fulfill specific discipline requirements for their program. Cross-listed courses are noted in the course descriptions as follows: (Same as C I 2010 .) or (Same as ITC 2010 .)

Dual-Listed Courses. Selected courses are noted as being dual-listed. Each undergraduate dual-listed course has a concurrent graduate equivalent and students in the two courses meet in one classroom. Graduate students who are enrolled in a dual-listed course are expected to complete extra assignments above and beyond those that are assigned to the undergraduates in the class. The syllabus for a dual-listed course will clearly state the learning outcomes for both constituencies, as well as identifying any differences in the assessments. Undergraduate participation in these courses is restricted to seniors. Juniors may petition the department for permission to enroll in these courses. Dual-listed courses are noted in the course descriptions as follows: “[Dual-listed with XXX 5xxx.] Dual-listed courses require senior standing; juniors may enroll with permission of the department.”

Standards of Scholarship

In its mission statement, Appalachian State University aims at “providing undergraduate students a rigorous liberal education that emphasizes transferable skills and preparation for professional careers” as well as “maintaining a faculty whose members serve as excellent teachers and scholarly mentors for their students.” Such rigor means that the foremost activity of Appalachian students is an intense engagement with their courses. In practical terms, students should expect to spend two to three hours of studying for every hour of class time. Hence, a fifteen hour academic load might reasonably require between 30 and 45 hours per week of out-of-class work.

In all work for a degree, scholarly performance is expected. The student is expected to demonstrate academic competence, intellectual honesty and responsibility, a willingness to do more than the minimum required, and the ability to think critically and constructively. State statutes concerning standards of scholarship are as follows:

14-118.2. Assisting, etc., in obtaining academic credit by fraudulent means.

  1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to assist any student, or advertise, offer or attempt to assist any student, in obtaining or in attempting to obtain, by fraudulent means, any academic credit, or any diploma, certificate or other instrument purporting to confer any literary, scientific, professional, technical or other degree in any course of study in any university, college, academy or other educational institution. The activity prohibited by this subsection includes, but is not limited to, preparing or advertising, offering, or attempting to prepare a term paper, thesis, or dissertation for another and impersonating or advertising, offering or attempting to impersonate another in taking or attempting to take an examination.
  2. Any person, firm, corporation or association violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), imprisonment for not more than six months, or both. Provided, however, the provisions of this section shall not apply to the acts of one student in assisting another student as herein defined if the former is duly registered in an educational institution and is subject to the disciplinary authority thereof. (1963, c.781; 1969, c. 1224, s.7.)


The majority of students entering the University do so at established semester periods. To provide for the orderly processing of these registrations, specific times have been set by the Registrar’s Office as the “beginning” and “ending” of the registration period. Students are expected to register at the time specified by the Registrar’s Office. Registration schedules are announced and registration materials are made available by the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Load

For an undergraduate student, a full-time load is defined as 12-18 hours per semester or 6-7 hours in a five week summer term. Anything above this is considered an overload. Undergraduate students should take from 15-18 hours per semester in order to graduate in four years. An undergraduate student may be granted approval from his/her Dean’s Office (or Director of Academic Advising for undeclared majors) to take an overload if the student meets the following GPA requirements:

2.5 cumulative GPA required for a 1 hour overload in a standard or summer term
3.0 cumulative GPA required for a 2 hour overload in a standard or summer term

In addition, undergraduates demonstrating exceptional academic performance may be given permission to take an overload of three or more hours in a standard or summer term.

Auditing a Course

Students enrolled at the University or students admitted with satisfactory records of experience and education may enroll for specific courses as auditors. Students who audit courses must register in the Registrar’s Office, pay regular fees, be regular in attendance, but will not receive grades or credit. A “Request to Audit” form, available on the Registrar’s Office website, must be completed by the student, approved by the faculty member teaching the class, and submitted to the Registrar’s Office by no later than the end of the “Drop-Add Period” indicated in the published Schedule of Classes. If a student does not regularly attend an audited course, the instructor may request an administrative drop. The instructor should provide documentation to the Registrar’s Office with the recommendation.


Appalachian operates on the semester system with the year divided into two semesters and a summer session, which is divided into terms of varying lengths. The unit of credit is the semester hour, and the number of semester hours credit for each course offered by the University is given in the sections of this Undergraduate Bulletin  where courses of instruction are listed.

Grades and Grade-Point Average

The grade-point average (GPA) is a general measure of the student’s academic achievement. The GPA is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of GPA hours attempted (“quality points” and “quality hours” are derived from courses graded A-F or WF). The GPA is computed only on the basis of coursework taken at Appalachian. Undergraduate grades and grade points are given as follows:

A Excellent 4.0 grade points per semester hour
A- Excellent 3.7 grade points per semester hour
B+ Above Average 3.3 grade points per semester hour
B Above Average 3.0 grade points per semester hour
B- Above Average 2.7 grade points per semester hour
C+ Average 2.3 grade points per semester hour
C Average 2.0 grade points per semester hour
C- Average 1.7 grade points per semester hour
D+ Below Average, but passing 1.3 grade points per semester hour
D Below Average, but passing 1.0 grade point per semester hour
D- Below Average, but passing 0.7 grade point per semester hour
F Failing grade 0.0 grade points
AU Audit, no credit
CR Credit awarded for non-residential activity - not calculated in GPA
I Incomplete, assigned only because of sickness or some other unavoidable cause.
  An “I” becomes an “F” or “U” if not removed within the time designated by the instructor, not to exceed one semester, except that all incompletes must be removed at the time of graduation. An Incomplete is not given merely because assignments were not completed during the semester.
IP In Progress - assigned to a course that encompasses more than one academic term
NC No Credit Awarded
NG Non-graded laboratory course
NR Grade Not Reported (hours not counted in computing GPA)
P Pass - course taken on a Pass-Fail basis not calculated in the GPA (used only for courses taken on Pass-Fail basis)
S Satisfactory - passing grade assigned to designated courses (e.g., thesis, internship, practicum), not calculated in the GPA (The grade of “S” is used to indicate satisfactory performance in student teaching, screening proficiencies, and specially designated courses in the curriculum.)
SA Credit awarded for Study Abroad activities
SP Satisfactory Progress - graduate specific grade given for thesis hours until final approval by the Dean of the Graduate School
U Unsatisfactory - failing grade assigned to designated courses (e.g., thesis, internship, practicum), not calculated in the GPA (The grade of “U” is used to indicate unsatisfactory performance in student teaching, screening proficiencies, and specially designated courses in the curriculum)
UP Unsatisfactory Progress - graduate specific grade given for thesis hours; students assigned a grade of UP must seek permission to continue to enroll in thesis hours
W Withdrawal from the University, no academic penalty
WC Withdrawn Course - withdrawal from individual course, no academic penalty
WF Withdrawal Failing - student withdrew from the University during the period of academic penalty, was failing the course at the time of withdrawal, grade calculated in GPA (course dropped with failing grades more than nine weeks after registration closes)
WP Withdrawal Passing - student withdrew from the University during a period of academic penalty, was passing the course at the time of withdrawal, grade not calculated in GPA
WU Withdrawal Unsatisfactory - student withdrew from the University during a period of academic penalty, was failing the course at the time of withdrawal, grade not calculated in GPA

Grade Point Average

The grade-point average (GPA) is a general measure of the student’s academic achievement while at Appalachian. The GPA is determined by dividing the total number of Quality Points earned by the total number of GPA Hours attempted (“Quality Points” and “GPA hours” are derived from courses graded A-B-C-D-F or WF). The GPA is computed only on the basis of coursework taken at Appalachian. Students may, for a variety of reasons, elect to repeat a course. The following policies will govern the awarding of credit and the computation of the GPA:

Repeating a Course

Unless otherwise noted in the course description, credit hours earned in a particular course will not be awarded more than one time; i.e., if a course in which credit hours have been earned is repeated with a passing grade, additional credit hours will not be awarded. If, however, a course in which credit hours have been previously earned is repeated and the student earns a grade of “F”, “U”, or “WF” in the subsequent taking of the course, the hours earned initially will be subtracted from the student’s total. In either of these cases, the most recent grade earned becomes the official grade for the course.

  1. Courses that match in number and title may not be repeated for duplicate credit unless the department chair of the course notifies the Registrar’s Office that the course content has changed substantially.
  2. Students who have earned credit for any course taken at Appalachian State University may not then transfer credit to Appalachian State University for the same course taken at another institution at a later date.

Grade Forgiveness

The first four courses a student repeats will fall under the grade forgiveness policy. The grade earned in the initial attempt will be excluded from computation in the student’s GPA automatically. All grades shall remain on the academic transcript and will count in attempted hours. Students wishing to exempt a course from this automatic grade forgiveness must complete a Grade Forgiveness Exception Form and receive approval from their dean’s office. This form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office no later than the last day of the Drop-Add period for the semester during which the course is being repeated. The maximum of four courses is in compliance with UNC Policy and may not be exceeded.

  1. Grade forgiveness will not be applied if the course content has changed substantially or if the number of credit hours has been reduced.
  2. Only courses repeated at Appalachian State University are eligible for grade forgiveness.

Pass-Fail Grading Option

Any undergraduate student who is: 1) full-time (registered for 12 or more semester hours); 2) has attained at least sophomore standing (earned at least 30 semester hours); and 3) is in “good academic standing” (see “Academic Standing-Probation and Suspension Policy” in this publication), may elect to take one course each semester under the pass-fail grading system, not to exceed a maximum of six (6) pass-fail courses while enrolled at the University. Any undergraduate course may be chosen under this option, except those courses used to comprise the total hour requirements of the student’s major, minor, general education, and foreign language requirements. In essence, the pass-fail grading system is intended only for “free elective” credit. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that she/he does not violate this limitation. Graduate students may not elect the pass-fail option. If a course taken under the A-B-C-D-F grading system is repeated, it must be repeated under the A-B-C-D-F system.

A student who elects the pass-fail option will be allowed to drop the option through the first nine weeks of a fall or spring term, and thus receive the letter grade (A-F) earned at the end of the term. However, once the pass-fail option is elected for a given course, a change to another course may not be made. Because of the length of the summer terms, there are no provisions for removing the pass-fail option after it has been selected for a course.

A grade of “P” means that the student’s grade was equal to a “D” or above on a conventional grading scale. The hours earned will count toward graduation but the grade will not be computed in his/her grade-point average. A grade of “F” means that the student failed the course. No credit is earned, but the grade of “F” is computed in the student’s grade-point average as an “F”.

Students should also be aware of the disadvantages which could result from using the pass-fail option (e.g., many graduate schools will not accept transcripts containing a “P” notation.)

In order to choose the pass-fail option in a course, the student must obtain a special pass-fail form from the Registrar’s Office. It must be completed and turned in to the Registrar’s Office prior to the close of the period during which a course may be added.

Residency Requirements

With some exceptions, coursework is defined as “in residence” when registration is through the University. The physical location at which the course is delivered, whether in Boone or through a field-based program, does not affect this definition. The following types of courses, however, are not considered “in residence”: transfer credit, credit by examination, credit for life experience, credit for military experience, credit while enrolled in a non-degree status, and “institutional” credit.

To graduate from Appalachian, an undergraduate student must complete the following in residence:

  1. as a minimum, the final thirty (30) semester hours (Students who study abroad on an Appalachian-approved exchange or study abroad program are excluded from this provision.); and
  2. a minimum of eighteen (18) semester hours in the major and (if applicable) nine (9) semester hours in the minor; and,
  3. at least 25% of the credit hours required for the degree.

Individual academic programs may specify particular courses that must be taken in residence. A student who intends to transfer coursework from other collegiate institutions should consult the program of study for her or his intended degree program.

Walker College of Business majors must complete in residence at least fifty percent of the business coursework required for the BSBA degree.

Questions about residence requirements should be directed to the dean of the college/school under which the degree program is offered.

Credit Limitations

  1. A maximum of 20 semester hours of correspondence work from recognized institutions may be credited toward meeting the requirements for graduation. Some correspondence courses are offered by the University. Before registering at another accredited institution for a correspondence course to be transferred to Appalachian, students must have the written permission of the dean of their college/school or their academic advisor if they have not declared a major. In order to obtain this permission, the student must first secure the proper form from the Office of Transfer Services. The combined load of residence courses and correspondence courses may not exceed the maximum load allowed.
  2. Except for physical education majors, no more than six hours in physical education activity courses (limited to courses numbered PE 1700-1877) may be included within the number of hours required for graduation.
  3. A candidate for the Bachelor of Arts degree may count no more than a total of 46 semester hours above general education requirements in any one discipline.
  4. Application of credit toward program of study requirements may require approval when credit was earned more than 10 years prior to the term of student’s entry or re-entry to the university.
  5. All baccalaureate degrees granted by Appalachian require the completion of a minimum of 50 semester hours at a senior college or university. (Note that credit awarded for credit by exam, military service, or “Life Experience” does not count as part of the required 50 hours.)
  6. Transfer of Coursework from Another Collegiate Institution: Once an undergraduate student has enrolled as a degree-seeking student at Appalachian, she or he should NOT enroll as a visiting student at another collegiate institution unless prior approval has been received from Appalachian. A student who wishes to attend another collegiate institution should contact the Office of Transfer Services at Appalachian to: 1) obtain the proper request form, and 2) determine whether the intended transfer courses are acceptable. [Students who wish to study abroad should contact the Office of International Education and Development (OIED) to secure the proper application and determine whether the intended courses from abroad are acceptable.] The intended coursework, once evaluated, will be forwarded to the appropriate Appalachian college/school or to the University College Academic Advising Office for approval. Failure to obtain prior approval may result in the coursework being deemed unacceptable for transfer to Appalachian.
  7. Senior Enrollment in Graduate Level Courses: Students enrolled as undergraduates at Appalachian State University may request permission to take graduate courses if they will be seniors in the semester of enrollment and have at least a 3.0 GPA. The request form can be found on the Graduate School website (, and it requires both department and Graduate School approval.

    Students may count up to 12 semester hours taken under this classification toward a later graduate degree program, provided that the 7 year time limit for graduate courses is not exceeded; that the course credits are not used to meet the requirements of the undergraduate degree*; and that the graduate program approves their inclusion on the graduate program of study.

    *The Graduate School offers a program entitled, “Accelerated Admission from Baccalaureate to Master’s.” This is an accelerated program for which a graduate program director can nominate a rising senior (i.e., a student in the second semester of the junior year) or current senior to take graduate coursework during the student’s senior year that can fulfill both undergraduate and graduate course requirements. Refer to the Graduate Bulletin for more information on this program.
  8. Concurrent second degrees or majors: If a student wishes to earn two (or more) undergraduate degrees or majors at Appalachian concurrently, she or he must complete all program of study requirements stipulated for the respective degrees or majors. The University will award a diploma for each degree earned. Both majors and degrees are noted on the transcript. Returning after ASU graduation for second degrees or majors: If a student has received a bachelor’s degree from Appalachian, a second (or subsequent) bachelor’s degree or major can be earned by completing all program of study requirements stipulated for the second (or subsequent) degree or major. The University will award a diploma for each degree earned. Both degrees are noted on the transcript.
  9. An undergraduate student may include a maximum of three (3) semester hours credit under the Instructional Assistance Program toward meeting graduation requirements.
  10. Transfer of Credit: Coursework with a “C” or better (grades of “C-” and below will not transfer) from a regionally accredited institution that is comparable to the course offerings at Appalachian State University is acceptable as transfer credit. ASU accepts credit under the guidelines of the North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. See “Transfer Credit Policy” at


Inclement Weather Policy

Appalachian State University reserves the right to cancel or delay classes during severe weather conditions. In determining whether to do so, the Chancellor consults with the Provost, Vice Chancellors, and other appropriate personnel. Only the Governor of North Carolina has the authority to close the institution due to adverse weather conditions.

The Office of Public Affairs, or its designee, has the responsibility for publicizing the Chancellor’s decision to cancel or delay classes. Every effort will be made to reach such a decision by 6:30 a.m. of the affected day. The information will be disseminated via the ASU home page, AppalNET, campus e-mails, and local radio and regional TV stations able to report the university’s status in sufficient detail (e.g., the expectations for staff members or the time until which classes are being delayed). Also, a recorded telephone message announcing any change in normal operations is available at (828) 262-SNOW. Faculty members are reminded that media do not announce individual class cancellations.

Staff employees (SPA) should follow the State’s adverse weather policy as stated in the Appalachian State University Policy Manual at: Information concerning any cancellations or delays of ASU classes offered at off-campus sites will be accessible at

“Classes are cancelled” means that no classes will be held on the day or night indicated, and such notices will state the expectations for staff employees. Announcements of class delays will specify the point during the day at which classes will resume meeting at their regularly scheduled times. “The University is closed” means that all classes and other activities are cancelled and that only essential personnel who can reach campus safely are expected to report.

Though it is impossible to describe precisely the conditions that may warrant interrupting normal operations, the people involved in making such determinations will consider both the University’s educational responsibilities and the physical welfare of all members of its community. The assessment of the situation will also take into account, as one factor, the status of the AppalCart bus system.

Because weather and road conditions often vary significantly within this area, the decision whether to travel must rest with the individual. When there has been no general cancellation of classes, individual faculty members who are unable to meet their classes but have access to e-mail should send students timely notice that they will not meet. Faculty members must also notify their department chairs by e-mail or telephone. The University encourages faculty members to make reasonable accommodation, including the opportunity to make up any missed assignments or examinations, for students who live at a distance from campus and have been absent from class because of dangerous weather or road conditions.


Students may add courses, drop courses, or change the section of a course through the published Drop-Add period without academic or financial penalty. The Drop-Add period is the first five days of a fall or spring semester or by the date specified within the published schedule of classes for summer semester. There is no refund or adjustment of charges if a course is dropped after the published Drop-Add period. Drops made after the Drop-Add period are included in the term and cumulative attempted hours but are not computed in the student’s grade point average. These courses will be posted on the student’s academic transcript. Failure to complete a course that has not been officially dropped will automatically result in a grade of “F”, which will be computed in the student’s grade point average.

Career Drops

After the Drop-Add period, a limited number of courses can be dropped by the end of the ninth week of a fall or spring semester.. NOTE, HOWEVER, THAT AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO DROP A CUMULATIVE TOTAL OF NO MORE THAN FOUR (4) COURSES AFTER THE PUBLISHED DROP-ADD PERIODS DURING HER OR HIS UNDERGRADUATE CAREER AT APPALACHIAN. The maximum of four courses is in compliance with UNC Policy and may not be exceeded. Career drops are noted on the transcript and are included in the attempted hours.

Dropping for Extenuating Circumstances

A course can also be dropped after the Drop-Add period for extenuating circumstances, including but not limited to military deployment. The “extenuating circumstances” must be compelling, documented, and approved by the appropriate campus office, appealable to the Dean of the course. There is no refund or adjustment of charges if a course is dropped for extenuating circumstances. The course is noted as a withdraw for extenuating circumstances and is included in the attempted hours.

Withdrawal from the University

A student is allowed to officially withdraw (i.e., cease enrollment in all courses) without academic penalty during the first nine weeks of a fall or spring semester. In order to officially withdraw, the student must formally contact the Registrar’s Office. A grade of “W” (Withdrawal) will be assigned to each course if the student withdraws during the first nine weeks of a fall or spring semester (the last day to withdraw without academic penalty is indicated in the Schedule of Classes published online for each academic term at A student who officially withdraws after the first nine weeks of a fall or spring semester will receive a grade of “WF” (Withdrawal/Failing) or “WU” (Withdrawal/Unsatisfactory) for each course in which she or he is enrolled in at the time of withdrawal.

The following are two exceptions to this policy:

  1. A student can petition for withdrawal without academic penalty for compelling medical or psychological reasons. Students seeking a medical withdrawal must contact Student Health Services; those seeking a withdrawal for psychological reasons must contact the Counseling and Psychological Services Center. A petition for withdrawal for either medical or psychological reasons must be submitted to the appropriate office by no later than the end of the academic term for which the withdrawal is requested. Supporting documentation will be required. If a medical or psychological withdrawal is approved, the student will receive a grade of “W” (Withdrawal) in each course for which she or he is enrolled.
  2. A student can petition for withdrawal without academic penalty for extenuating reasons (including but not limited to military service, or other non- medical or non- psychological reasons). The student must formally notify the Registrar’s Office. The reasons for the withdrawal should be clearly stated, and supporting documentation may be required. Consideration will be given to the reasons for the withdrawal and grades may be assigned on a course-by-course basis, as deemed appropriate. If a student does not regularly attend an audited course, the instructor may request an administrative withdrawal grade to be assigned. The instructor should provide documentation to the Registrar’s Office with the recommendation. A student who ceases to attend all classes prior to the end of an academic term, and does not officially withdraw by notifying the Registrar’s Office, will automatically receive a “Failing” grade on each enrolled course.

All courses withdrawn after the add/drop period, including those withdrawn for extenuating circumstances, will count in attempted hours.

Course Examinations

All scheduled examination periods will be met at the assigned time. A final examination period is provided at the end of each semester. After the schedule for examinations has been made (i.e., after the schedule has been officially announced in the Schedule of Classes for a given semester), an instructor may not change the date or time of an examination without permission of the departmental chair and dean. A class which meets at an hour not provided for in the Final Examination Schedule must arrange for an examination during the examination period at an hour convenient to members of the class and the instructor, and with the approval of the departmental chair. Instructors determine how they will use the assigned period, but all scheduled examination periods will be met at the assigned time. A student may take an examination outside of the scheduled time only by permission of the instructor of the course. Permission is granted only in case of emergency.

A student who is absent from a final examination because of an emergency takes the make-up examination at the convenience of the instructor.

Major Tests and Assignments Prior to Exams

It is strongly recommended that only tests and major assignments included on the syllabus be required during the five class days prior to the final exam period. This recommendation, however, does not include “make-up” tests.

Additional Assignments During Last Week of Classes

Instructors are requested to not make additional graded assignments, including tests, projects, or papers, not included on the syllabus within a seven calendar day period before Reading Day. Laboratory assignments do not fall into this category.

Students are expected to curtail their social activities and club sponsored activities during this seven calendar day period. Club sponsored activities are not allowed during this seven calendar day period.

Grade Submission

Final semester grades are reported to the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 P.M. on the day following the Faculty Grading period. At the end of each semester, the student’s grades are available via AppalNET. (Note, however, that North Carolina law prohibits the release of grades, transcripts or diplomas to students with unpaid accounts.)

Faculty members who cannot meet the final grade submission deadline should contact the Registrar’s Office for an extension of time for reporting grades.


At the end of each semester students are classified on the basis of semester hours.

Students admitted as degree-seeking and who have earned less than 30 semester hours are classified as freshmen.
Students who have earned at least 30 semester hours are classified as sophomores.
Students who have earned at least 60 semester hours are classified as juniors.
Students who have earned 90 semester hours are classified as seniors.

Academic Standing (Probation and Suspension Policy)

To continue at Appalachian in good academic standing, or to return to good-standing after being on probation, undergraduate students must maintain, as a minimum, all of the following:

  1. a 2.0 cumulative grade point average
  2. a satisfactory ratio of 67% earned hours to attempted semester hours

Failure to earn a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the cumulative grade point average, or a satisfactory ratio of 67% earned hours to attempted semester hours, will automatically place the student on academic probation. The satisfactory ratio of earned hours to attempted semester hours is equivalent to the percentage set by Federal Title IV regulations for Satisfactory Academic Progress. Academic Standing is calculated at the end of each semester, including Summer Session. (Note: The cumulative grade point average earned through Appalachian is computed ONLY on the basis of coursework taken at Appalachian; i.e., grades earned on coursework taken through other collegiate institutions are not computed in or allowed to affect the grade point average at Appalachian, and therefore not used to determine academic standing.) This academic standing policy is effective for all new, continuing and returning undergraduate students enrolled Fall 2014 and after.

While on academic probation, however, a student will, within the limits prescribed below, be allowed to continue:

  1. An undergraduate, whether admitted as a freshman, a transfer, or a special (non-degree seeking) student, will be allowed to enroll for a maximum of two (2) fall or spring semesters while carrying a cumulative grade point average below 2.0. The two allowed semesters of probation are cumulative and do not necessarily have to be consecutive terms.
  2. The Dean of the student’s college or school, or the Director of University College Advising, may choose to attach specific requirements while the student is enrolled on academic probation. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, special advising sessions, a limitation on the number of credit hours taken, a requirement that certain courses be repeated, enrollment in developmental courses, etc.

The exception to the minimum GPA policy applies to some students earning a 0.0 GPA. Any undergraduate degree-seeking full-time student enrolled in her/his first semester (fall or spring) at Appalachian State University will be academically suspended if she/he receives a GPA of 0.0 (including “I” incomplete grades) for that semester and must return under the forgiveness policy outlined below. Full-time students are defined for these purposes as students who are registered for 12 or more hours at the end of drop/add.

A student may appeal this type of academic suspension in writing to the University Registrar prior to the subsequent term. A date for the appeal deadline will be set prior to each term. The University Registrar will convene an Appeals Board. The Board’s decision will be based on (1) the student’s letter of appeal which must include the reason for poor academic performance, (2) documentation of extenuating circumstances, and (3) a plan for improving academic performance. Student conduct records will be reviewed by the Board in making their decision. The Board’s decision is final.

If the student uses the two semesters of academic probation mentioned above, but fails to earn a cumulative grade-point average sufficient to place her or him in good academic standing, the student will then be academically suspended. At that point, the student’s only recourse is to enroll during the University’s summer terms until such time that the cumulative grade-point average places her or him in good academic standing. (Since grades earned and hours attempted during the summer are calculated in the student’s academic status, it should be remembered that the grades earned and hours attempted during the summer may not only return the student to good academic standing, they may also place or continue the student in academic difficulty. A summer term does not, however, count as one of the two semesters allowed while on academic probation. Undergraduate students in academic difficulty - whether on probation or suspension - may always attend Appalachian during the summer.)

The University has academic “Forgiveness Policies ” (described under the Office of Admissions section of this catalog) which allow an undergraduate student to re-apply for admission even though she or he has been academically suspended. Understand, however, that these policies have both minimum waiting periods and academic stipulations which must be met before the student is allowed to re-enroll in an academic term other than the summer.

Field-Based Option

In fulfilling its obligation as a regional university, Appalachian State University provides an opportunity for persons seeking a degree to pursue the degree in field-based programs established by special arrangement. Designed primarily for other than full-time students, the field-based degree program provides the opportunity for such persons to extend or update their academic credentials. For details regarding these degree programs, contact the Office of Extension and Distance Education at (828) 262-3113.

Independent Study

Independent study is the term applied to the study of a subject not listed in the regular curricular offerings. Under the independent study program, a student designs a project and then individually pursues the study under the auspices of an instructional staff member who serves as a consultant for the student during the course of the study. The student must be either degree seeking, working toward teacher licensure or have special permission from the dean. In all cases, permission from the departmental chair (in which the course is offered) will need to be secured. The vehicles for this are course numbers 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500 and 7500 depending on the level of the student. For information on independent study, students should consult the chair of the department in which the independent study is to be done.

Individual Study

Individual study is the pursuit of a regularly listed course by a student without attending classes on a regular basis. The student must be either degree seeking, working toward teacher licensure or have special permission from the dean. In all cases, permission from the departmental chair (in which the course is offered) will need to be secured. If the departmental chair approves, then she or he will suggest one or more faculty members in the department who might supervise the student in the course. If the faculty member agrees to supervise the student, the student and faculty member will work out the method of study. The grade for the course will be submitted to the Registrar in the regular way at the end of the semester in which the project is completed.

Institutional Credit

Courses numbered less than 1000 (excluding applied music courses, major-principal, MUS 0001-0025) are taken for “institutional credit” only. These courses DO NOT count for graduation, but are computed in the student’s GPA (the hours count toward full-time student eligibility, but do not count as hours earned for graduation). Institutional credit courses will not be used in determining eligibility for honors.

Instructional Assistance Program

The instructional assistance program is designed for students interested in participating, for academic credit, in supervised experiences in the instructional process on the University level through direct participation in classroom situations. Students with junior or senior standing are eligible to participate in this program. An undergraduate student may include a maximum of 3 semester hours credit under the Instructional Assistance Program toward meeting graduation requirements. For further information, the student should contact the chair of the department in which she/he wishes to engage in instructional assistance.


The following University policy applies to internships, practica, field experiences, clinicals, and student teaching and the term internships will be used to encompass all such experiences.

By offering realistic on-the-job experiences and personal contacts with employers, internships provide students with opportunities to learn outside of the regular classroom and to formulate career plans based on their experiences.

The following administrative standards govern internships, practica, field experiences, clinicals, and student teaching for credit at Appalachian State:

Students pursuing an official Appalachian State University program of study that leads to a degree, certificate, or licensure are considered eligible to enroll for internship credit.

Academic credit will be based upon a minimum of 40 field placement hours per semester hour credit. Departments and programs may have additional academic requirements, including additional hours.

Internship courses are graded on an S/U basis. In the event an internship is embedded within a course, the experience will be graded as indicated in the course syllabus.

Internship experience and enrollment must be concurrent. Internship credit will not be granted retroactively.

Students must contact the appropriate program, department, college advisor, or designated representative for instructions on approval and registration procedures. All standards listed below are minimum standards; academic departments and programs may have higher and/or additional requirements. The program, academic department, or college dean’s office will make the final determination whether

  1. the student’s proposed internship experience is appropriate for the program requirements;
  2. the person serving as the student’s supervisor at the internship site is fully qualified to supervise the intern;
  3. the student’s internship is approved and registration is finalized in advance;
  4. the student’s proposed internship adheres to all University, state, and federal regulations and guidelines,
  5. the student has a cumulative GPA of no less than 2.0;
  6. the student meets the class standing requirement, Junior or Senior status or other as determined by department, and meets all requirements of their academic department and/or program

Appalachian State University requires professional liability insurance coverage for all students enrolled in internship or practicum courses, including student teaching. When a student registers for an internship, a fee is applied to the student’s account to purchase professional liability insurance coverage.

The Office of International Education & Development (OIED) is responsible for reviewing and certifying/not certifying all international internships. Students seeking internships outside the United States must submit an application to OIED no fewer than two (2) weeks prior to intended departure in order to allow time for review and processing of pre-departure paperwork.

An internship contract* will be signed outlining the responsibilities of the University, of the student, and of the participating agency or internship host.

*The ASU Internship Contract form is available within the Internship Inventory. Students should see the Internship Coordinator within their academic department/program to start the process of internship approval.

Credit by Examination

Not all courses are amenable to credit by examination, but many are. Students who wish to challenge a regularly listed course should consult with the appropriate departmental chair. If arrangements can be made with the department chair, a fee of $50.00 is charged for each examination and a receipt from the Student Accounts Office must be shown to the departmental chair before final approval can be given. If the examination is passed, credit without grade will be noted on the student’s transcript. The departmental chair will notify the Registrar’s Office, in writing, to enter the credit on the permanent record and notify the cashier, in writing, to reimburse the faculty member who administered the examination. If the examination is not passed, no notation is made on the transcript. In the case of freshmen who take placement examinations during the freshman orientation period, the fee is waived.

Anyone seeking credit by examination must be either degree seeking or taking courses for teacher licensure. Credit by examination cannot be used to repeat a course, nor can it be used to meet the University’s residency requirements for graduation.

Advanced Placement Program (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB)

Appalachian State University grants “credit by examination” in conjunction with the AP Program, the CLEP Program and the IB Program. Students who have demonstrated their achievement on specific tests in either AP or CLEP should have their scores sent directly from The College Board to Appalachian State University (College Code for both programs is 5010) for consideration with regard to placement into advanced courses and for college credit. For International Baccalaureate, go to and use College Code 00832. All students are encouraged to take these tests and to submit their scores for evaluation.

Students may also qualify for advanced placement and course credit by taking departmental tests in their areas of extensive specialization. Based upon these test results, the amount and nature of the credit granted is determined by the committee on academic policies and procedures and the pertinent department of instruction.

Test scores submitted from these testing programs will remain valid for only ten years.

Credit for Life Experience

Persons interested should see the Coordinator of Credit for Life Experience in the University College Academic Advising Office.

In exceptional cases, credit can be awarded for prior non-college-based learning if the credit sought is related to the student’s degree program (i.e. general education, major or licensure requirements). Assessment of prior learning can commence only after a student has been admitted to the University and has declared a major.

The student will first meet with the designated Academic Advising representative who will help in defining the areas or disciplines in which appropriate creditable learning may have occurred. Actual assessment is conducted by a faculty member in the appropriate academic area. A $100.00 fee for each area of assessment will be charged. Payment is made to the Student Accounts Office.

Note: Anyone seeking credit for life experience must be either a candidate for an undergraduate degree at Appalachian or taking courses for teacher licensure. Credit for life experience cannot be used to repeat a course, nor can it be used to meet the University’s residency requirements for graduation.

Credit for Military Service

Appalachian may grant up to eight semester hours of academic credit to current or former members of the United States Armed Services who have completed initial entry training. Credits include MSL 1101  (General Education Wellness Literacy) and up to six additional semester hours in general Military Science and Leadership (MSL) credit, (MSL 1001 , MSL 1002 , MSL 2001  and MSL 2002 ). The University may grant additional specific course credit for completion of certain types of military schools and for some courses listed on the Joint Services Transcript (JST). Students seeking academic credit should present a DD214, DD220, or Joint Services Transcript to the Office of Transfer Services.


To encourage scholarship, the University officially recognizes students who distinguish themselves in academic pursuits. Honors day is observed for all students qualifying for scholastic honors, and each honor student is awarded a certificate.

The Gamma Beta Phi Society is a national honor and service organization for students who have earned at least 14 semester hours with a cumulative 3.25 grade-point average.

Alpha Chi, a national scholastic fraternity, is open to not more than the top ten percent of the junior and senior classes who have a grade-point average of not less than 3.50. Phi Kappa Phi, a national scholastic fraternity, honors outstanding scholarship among graduating seniors in each of the colleges who have attained at least a 3.70 grade point average. Occasionally, Phi Kappa Phi taps several outstanding junior scholars for membership.

Only those courses earning credit toward graduation will be used in determining eligibility for honors.

Chancellor’s List

The Chancellor’s list was created to provide higher recognition to those full-time students who receive a grade-point average of 3.85 or higher in any semester.

An undergraduate student who carries 12 semester hours or more of coursework on which grade points are computed and who attains a grade-point average of 3.85 or better is placed on the chancellor’s list of honor students for that semester. Only those courses earning credit toward graduation will be used in determining eligibility for honors.

Dean’s List

An undergraduate student who carries 12-14 semester hours of coursework on which grade points are computed and who attains a gradepoint average of 3.45 or better is placed on the dean’s list of honor students for that semester.

An undergraduate student who carries 15 semester hours or more of coursework on which grade points are computed and who attains a grade-point average of 3.25 or better is placed on the dean’s list of honor students for that semester. Only those courses earning credit toward graduation will be used in determining eligibility for honors.

Honor Teaching

A student who shows exceptional initiative, scholarship, and excellence in student teaching may be designated and recognized as an honor teacher. The honor will be entered on the student’s official record.


Degrees are conferred and diplomas are mailed at the close of each academic term (fall, spring, summer). Formal graduation ceremonies, however, are held only at the close of fall and spring terms.

Candidates for the baccalaureate degree must file an application with the Registrar’s Office at the beginning of the term prior to the one in which graduation requirements will be completed. At the beginning of each term, the Registrar’s Office will notify all seniors ostensibly eligible to apply to graduate (i.e., those currently enrolled for a sufficient number of hours to meet the University requirement) of the required procedure and deadline date. Exceptions to the deadline date will be made ONLY by the degree-granting Dean’s Office.

Commencement Walkers

University Commencement is a ceremony celebrating the completion of a students’ degree requirements. Participation (walking) in the Commencement ceremony is not synonymous with graduating. While the ceremony is an important representation of the conclusion of a student’s academic career, the actual process of clearing a student to graduate and conferral of the degree occurs separately. Degree-seeking undergraduate students are invited to participate in the Commencement ceremony and have their names printed in the Commencement program if and when they have submitted a formal application for graduation.

Spring Commencement includes:

  • Spring Commencement includes:
    Undergraduate students who have applied for graduation and will complete their requirements in either May or August
  • Fall Commencement includes:
    Undergraduate students who have applied for graduation and will complete their requirements in December.

Graduation with Degree Honors

To be eligible for graduation with Latin Honors, degree-seeking undergraduate students must complete, in residence at Appalachian, a minimum of 48 semester hours. (Note: Credit for which a grade is not awarded will not be used in the determination of honors-e.g., APP, CLEP, credit by examination, credit for military service, credit for prior learning, etc.) Students who return to Appalachian State University under Academic Forgiveness are not eligible for Latin Honors. A minimum grade-point average of 3.45 is required for graduating cum laude; a minimum grade point average of 3.65 is required for graduating magna cum laude; and a minimum grade-point average of 3.85 is required for graduating summa cum laude.

Graduation with Honors for Undergraduate Students Seeking Second Degree

In determining qualification for graduation with honors for Appalachian State University students seeking two degrees or a second degree, all work taken at Appalachian must be considered in the calculation of their grade-point average (GPA).

Students who have completed one degree at another institution and are seeking a second degree at Appalachian must complete, in residence at Appalachian, a minimum of either four semesters in full-time attendance or a total of 58 semester hours to be eligible to graduate with honors from Appalachian State University.


Transcripts must be requested in writing from the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts will not be issued to students having unpaid accounts with the University.