Oct 06, 2024  
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Timelines for Graduate Students

Timeline for Navigating through a Graduate Degree Program

  Major Steps Timeframe (“Required” indicates a firm deadline)

Apply for admission to a graduate degree program through the Graduate School. (Required) Deadlines vary depending upon the program; applicants should refer to the Admissions section in this bulletin for more information on the application process.

Consult with an academic advisor in the major program. During registration and about two weeks later; thereafter, at least once each semester.
3 Work with an academic advisor on your program of study in Degreeworks and submit program approval to the Graduate School (Required) The Graduate School must receive the approved program notification and any requested customization prior to completion of 50% of the minimum required hours for the program.
4 Apply for Admission to Candidacy (if applicable), and submit the approval form to the Graduate School.
  • Master’s and Specialist Thesis Programs: (Required) Admission to Candidacy must be approved prior to registering for Thesis hours (5999/6999).
  • Other Master’s and Specialist Programs: Requirements for admission to candidacy vary by program; please see the program description in this bulletin for more information.
  • Doctoral Programs: (Required) After satisfactory completion of the Qualifying Exam and Prospectus.
5 For Thesis/Dissertation Students: Select thesis/dissertation committee. Present prospectus for approval. File committee and prospectus forms with the Graduate School. (Required) During the semester prior to the semester in which research/scholarship activity begins and no later than the semester prior to the one in which the thesis or dissertation is defended.
6 Apply for Graduation through the Graduate School. Note: The Graduate School cannot clear for graduation students who do not have approved programs of study. (Required) By the graduation application deadline. Important note: Students who apply for graduation and are not enrolled will be automatically enrolled in one semester hour of coursework (as required by the State of North Carolina).
7 For Thesis/Dissertation Students: Complete and defend thesis/dissertation. Strongly encouraged that defense occurs least 10 calendar days prior to the last class day of the final semester.
8 For Thesis/Dissertation Students: Submit an unbound copy of the defended thesis/ dissertation to the Graduate School for review. (Required) At least 7 calendar days prior to the last class day of the final semester.
9 For all students required to take comprehensive examinations and/or Product of Learning presentations: Submit the report of the successful completion. (Required) Received in the Graduate School at least 1 day before final exams begin in the final semester.
10 For Thesis/Dissertation Students: Submission of final copies of the thesis or dissertation that have been revised to include all changes required by the program and the Graduate School. (Required) By the official date of graduation. Extensions may be requested up to the day before the next term begins. Delays beyond this point will result in a delay of graduation.
11 Students with incomplete work: Submission of work for any courses in which a grade of incomplete remains. (Required) No later than 1 day before the first class day of the next term. Delays beyond this point will result in a delay of graduation.

Timeline for Navigating through a Graduate Certificate Program

  Major Steps Timeframe (“Required” indicates a firm deadline)
1 Apply for admission to a graduate certificate program through the Graduate School. (Required) Deadlines vary depending upon the program; applicants should refer to the Admissions section in this bulletin for more information on the application process.
2 Consult with an academic advisor in the certificate program. During registration and about two weeks later; thereafter, at least once each semester.
3 Work with an academic advisor on your program of study in Degreeworks and submit program approval to the Graduate School.
(Required) As soon as possible after beginning the certificate coursework.
4 Complete a Completion of Certificate form, and submit the signed form to the Graduate School. (Required) Upon completion of the coursework required for the certificate.