Sep 22, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • CHE 4620 - Environmental Chemistry (4) [CAP]

    When Offered: Spring
    GEN ED: Capstone Experience
    A capstone course for students pursuing a concentration in Environmental Chemistry, this course will focus on the wide diversity of subject matter required by this major. The course will involve discussions and applications of air, water and soil chemistry while giving the student an appreciation of the scientific, legal, political and economic issues inherent in Environmental Chemistry. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours.
    Prerequisites: CHE 3301 , CHE 3303 , CHE 3310 /GES 3310 , CHE 3560 , CHE 3561 , STT 3850 .
  • CHE 4630 - Forensic Toxicology (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    This course provides an introduction to forensic toxicology. Topics include the history of toxicology, basic classification of illicit drugs, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, the isolation and analyses of these drugs in a forensic setting, and specific analyte categories. Lecture three hours.
    Prerequisite: CHE 2101  or CHE 2202 .
  • CHE 4640 - Analytical Methods in Forensic Chemistry (4)

    When Offered: Fall
    This course provides an in-depth discussion of forensic analysis. Topics include analytical tools, statistical analysis, principles of separations and spectroscopy, and the analysis of drugs, arson samples, explosives, paints, and fibers. The course will expand upon CHE 3560 Instrumental Methods of Analysis  in that the basics learned in that course will be used specifically for forensic analysis. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours.
    Prerequisites: CHE 3560  and CHE 3561 .
  • CHE 4800 - Forensic Microscopy (4)

    When Offered: Spring
    This course covers the fundamentals of microscopy and introduces various methods and applications for forensic analysis of trace evidence, including Kohler illumination, micrometry, crystallization methods, microchemical testing, refractive index measurements, crystal optics, interference figures, fusion methods, bacterial and tissue staining, and electron microscopy. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours.
    Prerequisite: CHE 2202  or permission of the instructor.
  • CHE 4900 - Internship in Chemistry (1-12) [CAP]

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    GEN ED: Capstone Experience
    Independent, supervised work in applied chemistry at an approved industrial, quality control, analysis, or production facility. Appropriate entities include, but are not limited to, commercial businesses and governmental agencies. May be taken for a maximum of 12 semester hours, with a maximum of 6 semester hours credit per summer session. Only three of those hours will count toward major requirements.
    Graded on an S/U basis.
    Prerequisite: CHE 3303 .


  • CHN 1010 - Beginning Chinese I (4)

    When Offered: Fall
    Introduction to basic skills necessary for understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese, with emphasis on the use of functional, communicative language. Open to students with no previous experience in Chinese.
    One small-group conversation section per week required. (Global Learning Opportunity course)
  • CHN 1020 - Beginning Chinese II (4)

    When Offered: Spring
    Continuation of skills development in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese with emphasis on the use of functional, communicative language.
    Prerequisite: CHN 1010  or consent of the instructor.
    One small-group conversation section per week required. (Global Learning Opportunity course)
  • CHN 1040 - Intermediate Chinese I (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    Focus on various aspects of culture, society, literature, traditions, and daily preoccupations through continued development of communicative language skills. Reinforcement, expansion, and synthesis of concepts of language and culture through contact with authentic materials.
    Prerequisite: CHN 1020  or consent of the instructor.
    Laboratory work required. (Global Learning Opportunity course)
  • CHN 1050 - Intermediate Chinese II (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    GEN ED: Liberal Studies Experience
    A continuation of CHN 1040 . Focus on various aspects of culture, society, literature, traditions, and daily preoccupations with continued development of communicative language skills. Reinforcement, expansion, and synthesis of concepts of language and culture through contact with authentic materials.
    Prerequisite: CHN 1040  or the equivalent.
    Laboratory work required. (Global Learning Opportunity course)
  • CHN 2000 - Chinese Discussion Section (1)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Chinese discussion section offered in conjunction with selected content courses. There will be weekly discussion and assignments in Chinese relating to attached content courses.
    Course can be repeated up to three times for credit.
    Prerequisite: CHN 1050  or equivalent.
  • CHN 2001 - Advanced Chinese I (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    Focuses on acquiring additional proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
    Prerequisite: CHN 1050  or its equivalent.
    Laboratory work required.
  • CHN 2003 - Advanced Chinese II (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    Focuses on acquiring proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
    Prerequisite: CHN 2001  or its equivalent.
    Laboratory work required.
  • CHN 2005 - Intensive Grammar Review (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Focus is on the practice of various aspects of basic Chinese grammar patterns and language structures.
    Prerequisite: CHN 2003  or its equivalent.
    Laboratory work required.
  • CHN 2010 - Conversational Chinese I (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is designed for those with intermediate language proficiency who wish to focus on oral language skills.
    Prerequisite: CHN 1050  or its equivalent.
    Laboratory work required.
  • CHN 2020 - Conversational Chinese II (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is designed for those with intermediate language proficiency who wish to focus on oral language skills.
    Prerequisite: CHN 2010  or permission of the instructor.
    Laboratory work required.
  • CHN 2500 - Independent Study (1-3)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • CHN 2530-2549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring. On Demand
  • CHN 3000 - Topics in Chinese (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Variable topic.  Students will engage  with issues/themes/topics in Chinese language, literature, or culture. The class is organized as a seminar. Emphasis is placed on critical reading, research, writing, and speaking. The topic of this course will vary from semester to semester. 

    Barring duplication of content, a student may repeat the course for credit one time. 
    Prerequisite: CHN 2003  or permission of the instructor.

  • CHN 3040 - Chinese Cinema (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A study of representative Chinese films from the early twentieth century to the present; films subtitled, readings and discussion in English.
  • CHN 3050 - Chinese Culture and Civilization (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A survey course taught in English that introduces Chinese history, geography, religion, philosophy, government, literature, art, customs and traditions.
  • CHN 3070 - Advanced Readings in Modern Chinese (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Development of communication skills, with emphasis on reading modern Chinese texts.
  • CHN 3090 - Business Chinese (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Focuses on oral and written business expressions common in business communications.
    Prerequisite: CHN 2003  or its equivalent.
    Laboratory work required.
  • CHN 3500 - Independent Study (1-3)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • CHN 3520 - Instructional Assistance (1)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A supervised experience in the instructional process on the university level through direct participation in a classroom situation.
    May be repeated for a total credit of three semester hours. Graded on an S/U basis.
    Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
  • CHN 3530-3549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • CHN 4510 - Senior Honors Thesis (1-3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Independent study and research. Honors thesis directed by a member of the East Asian/Chinese faculty in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and graded by a departmental committee. Oral presentation. 
    Prerequisites: completion of LLC 2510  and honors contract in LLC 3060  or LLC 3550  with a minimum grade of “B” (3.0) in each course.

College of Arts and Sciences

  • CAS 2530-2549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • CAS 3520 - Instructional Assistance (1)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A supervised experience in the instructional process at the University level through direct participation in a classroom situation.
    May be repeated for a total of three semester hours. Graded on an S/U basis. 
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.
  • CAS 3530-3549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • CAS 4900 - Internship (1-6)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Independent, supervised work for an approved agency, business, or organization.
    Graded on an S/U basis.
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

College of Health Sciences

  • CHS 2530-2549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary from term to term depending on student interest and need. 
    May be repeated for credit when content does not duplicate.
  • CHS 3530-3549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary from term to term depending on student interest and need.
    May be repeated for credit when content does not duplicate.
  • CHS 3950 - Interprofessional Fieldwork (0)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Provides the opportunity to integrate knowledge acquisition in the classroom with interprofessional fieldwork experiences.
    Graded on an S/U basis.
  • CHS 4530-4549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary from term to term depending on student interest and need.
    May be repeated for credit when content does not duplicate.
  • CHS 4950 - Interprofessional Fieldwork (0)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Provides the opportunity to integrate knowledge acquisition in the classroom with interprofessional fieldwork experiences. Graded on an S/U basis.

Commercial Photography

  • PHO 1022 - Photographic Imaging I (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    An introductory course in digital photography which will cover technical information about cameras, lenses, printing, cataloging processes, image editing and workflow practices. Students will also learn the foundations of composition for various genres of photography. Students will need access to a DSLR camera. A limited number are available for loan through the program. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: Demonstrated Readiness for College-level Math.  
  • PHO 2022 - Photographic Imaging II (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    A continuation of PHO 1022 - Photographic Imaging I (3)  that covers advanced photographic processes and practices and will investigate control systems for exposure and development, the zone system, lighting, film processing, digital imaging processes and printing. Students will improve on their composition and photographic production values. Students will need access to a DSLR camera. A limited number are available for loan through the program. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 1022 . Demonstrated Readiness for College-level Math.  
  • PHO 2032 - History of Photography (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    GEN ED: Liberal Studies Experience
    This course examines photography in a historical context from the beginning of the 19th Century to present. This comprehensive study of the technical and creative evolution of photography will feature historically significant photographers, their styles and corresponding historical events. Emphasis shall be placed on the evolution of photography in relation to developments in science, technology, society, the arts and politics. Lecture three hours.
  • PHO 2052 - Form and Media in Photography (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Form and Media in Photography is designed to improve the visual literacy and compositional awareness of students intending to be Commercial Photography majors or Photography minors. The course will focus on current trends in commercial imaging and usage in a variety of media. Students may explore photographic design and aesthetic elements in catalogs, editorial magazines, corporate media, web sites, packaging, and retail venues, and other appropriate media outlets. The use of emerging media and video as it relates to photography in these areas may also be studied.
    Prerequisite: PHO 1022 .
  • PHO 2062 - Survey of Photographic Careers (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will explore photographic careers and theoretical, critical, and professional concepts in contemporary photography. Topics may include, but are not limited to, how the roles of philosophy, art history, science, technology, literature, psychology, marketing, consumer trends and consumption are relevant to photography and the various genres within the field. Students will have the opportunity to broaden their understanding of these issues through readings, lectures, discussions, assignments, critiques, and presentations by professionals within the field.
    Prerequisite: PHO 2022 .
  • PHO 3012 - Digital Retouching (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    This course covers digital photographic retouching and post processes which may include: control systems for editing, image manipulation, color profiling, calibration, and image presentation. Students will gain digital image editing, retouching, post processing skills and an understanding of workflow methodology. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 2022  or permission of the instructor.
  • PHO 3032 - Perspective and Optics (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will help students gain an understanding of image control and design through the use of a variety of cameras, optics and software. The primary objectives of this course are to understand and evaluate the visual differences, advantages, and disadvantages of different camera and lens choices. Some of the photographic tools that will be explored include: view cameras, DSLR cameras, perspective control lenses, macro lenses, and digital medium format backs. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisites: PHO 2022 .
  • PHO 3042 - Studio Photography (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    An introductory course to studio photography that covers studio lighting for industrial/product and portrait photography. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 2022 . Demonstrated Readiness for College-level Math.  
  • PHO 3052 - Video Production for Photographers (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    This course will utilize the audio and video capabilities of today’s HDSLR cameras and explore how photographers can create compelling and complex visual narratives for their clients in the commercial and corporate marketplace. Topics may include advanced technical techniques for the use of different audio microphones, best practices in recording audio for editing, how to light and shoot for motion, time lapse and animation of stills, conducting and shooting interviews, and basic non-linear editing techniques. Course assignments are to be completed to professional standards. Students will need access to a video capable DSLR camera. A limited number of cameras are available for loan through the program. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 2022 .
  • PHO 3072 - Editorial Photography (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Editorial Photography is an advanced three credit hour course that emphasizes the tools and lighting techniques of the professional editorial and corporate/industrial photography marketplaces. Topics may include studio lighting, DSLR camera usage, and various location lighting techniques. Students will learn about business procedures and markets specific to editorial photography. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 3042 .
  • PHO 3092 - Professional Photographic Practices (3) [WID]

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    GEN ED: Junior Writing in the Discipline (WID)
    This course is designed to introduce the upper level photography major to best professional practices for the photography proprietor/ entrepreneur. Topics may include intellectual property law, tax obligations and reporting requirements, employment law, insurance responsibility, and renters’ rights and obligations under a lease. In addition, the course may cover software solutions to estimating and bidding jobs, tracking expenses, invoicing clients, and developing legal contracts. The course will also cover marketing, promoting and advertising options. By the end of the course, students will have developed a business plan, a financial statement, marketing materials, and have created a visual identity (logo/brand) to take into the marketplace.
    Prerequisites: PHO 3042 R C 2001  or its equivalent.
  • PHO 3322 - Documentary Photography (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Documentary photography exposes students to the work of a number of great documentary photographers and photojournalists, as well as to writing about the documentary tradition. Students work throughout the term on a photo documentary project of their own, attempting to reduce a tiny area of the moving world to a set of still images that convey what the viewer needs to know about what they saw without hearing the sounds, smelling the odors, seeing the motion, or experiencing what was happening outside the viewfinder. Students also write papers about the subjects of their photo documentaries. Studio five hours.
  • PHO 3332 - Field Experience in Commercial Photography (1-3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    This course allows Commercial Photography majors to earn credit for professional experiences outside of the classroom environment. These experiences include, but are not limited to, attending professional conferences, seminars, trade association fairs, field photographic experiences such as international program offerings and extended photographic field trips.
    This course may be repeated for credit barring duplication.
    Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
  • PHO 3342 - Advanced Special Topics (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will offer the student information and hands-on experience in historical, contemporary, and emerging technologies related to the commercial photography industry. This course may be repeated for credit, barring duplication. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisites: PHO 2022 
  • PHO 3500 - Independent Study (1-4)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Approved contract is required.
  • PHO 3520 - Instructional Assistance (1)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    A supervised experience in the instructional process on the university level through direct participation in a classroom situation.
    May be repeated for a total credit of three semester hours. Graded on an S/U basis.
    Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
    Approved contract is required.
  • PHO 3530-3549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • PHO 4402 - Advanced Video Production for Photographers (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Advanced Video Production for Photographers is an advanced three credit hour course that will build on course content from PHO 3052 - Video Production for Photographers (3) . The course will utilize the audio and video capabilities of today’s HDSLRs and explore how photographers can utilize video and sound to create compelling and complex visual narratives for their clients in the commercial and corporate marketplace. The course will expand on skills covered in advanced technical data and techniques on the use of different audio microphones, best practices in recording audio for editing, how to light and shoot for motion, time lapse and animation of stills, conducting and shooting interviews, and basic non-linear editing techniques. The course assignments are to be completed to professional standards. Students will need access to a video capable DSLR camera; a limited number of cameras will be available through the program. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 3052 .
  • PHO 4412 - Fashion and Beauty Photography (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Students in this advanced course will review the history of fashion and beauty photography, explore current trends in the industry, and survey the many markets and applications for fashion and beauty imagery. Students will have the opportunity to work with models - both volunteer and professional - make-up artists, hair stylists, and wardrobe stylists in learning how to produce a professional fashion or beauty shoot. Each student will be encouraged to develop her or his own style through fashion editorial assignments, beauty advertising assignments, and testing with models, both in the studio and on location. Working digitally, students will also have the opportunity to learn how to use a wide range of lighting and camera controls specific to beauty photography in order to establish a color managed workflow to guarantee consistency of image production from capture through final delivery of images. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 3042 .
  • PHO 4422 - Product Photography (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    This advanced course will emphasize the tools and techniques of the professional photographer. Studio lighting, large format cameras, and color transparencies will be primarily used, and the student is expected to have working knowledge of these. Assignments will be expected to be completed to professional standards. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisites: PHO 3032  and PHO 3042 .
  • PHO 4432 - Commercial Photographic Production (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This studio class will acquaint the student with the fundamentals of commercial production in advertising and high end editorial photography. As photographers grow in their capabilities and experience, they will be expected to work as part of a creative team that can produce work of the highest quality. By shifting roles on each of three projects, students will become familiar with the functions of the Art Director, the Producer and the Commercial Photographer as they work in collaboration on complex creative projects. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisites: PHO 3042  and PHO 3072 
  • PHO 4442 - Wedding and Portrait Photography (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course covers the essential logistics and business practices required to successfully work in the wedding and portrait marketplace. In addition, advanced shooting and location lighting techniques are explored in relation to the discipline. Along with the creation of pricing and marketing materials, students are encouraged to pursue their unique photographic style through shooting assignments aimed at building a working portfolio. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisite: PHO 3072 .
  • PHO 4452 - Architectural and Interior Photography (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will emphasize the tools and lighting techniques of the professional advertising, corporate/industrial, and editorial photography marketplaces specific to the built environment. The course will cover advanced technical information in architectural and interior design photography using interior and exterior location lighting, in mixed lighting environments. Students will utilize large format, medium format and/or DSLR cameras to complete assignments. Studio five hours.
    Prerequisites: PHO 3032  and PHO 3042 .
  • PHO 4492 - Photographic Portfolio (3) [CAP]

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    GEN ED: Capstone Experience
    This senior level course is designed for the major in Commercial Photography. The course will prepare the graduating senior to apply for employment in the field of professional photography or admission to graduate school. Topics covered will include letters of introduction, resumes, portfolio production and presentation, preparing exhibits, and web pages. Through the production of the final portfolio, students will demonstrate their technical skills, visual communication ability, knowledge of theory in design, and awareness of the global market. Open only to Commercial Photography majors. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours.
    Prerequisite: senior standing.
  • PHO 4510 - Senior Honors Thesis (1-3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Independent research and/or creative project. All honors students must complete a total of 3 thesis credits to earn Departmental Honors; these credits may occur over multiple semesters. Honors thesis chaired by a PHO faculty member of the Art Department and with a second reader from within or outside the Art Department.
    Prerequisite or co-requisite: completion of six semester hours of honors coursework within the Art Department.
  • PHO 4900 - Internship (3-12)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Graded on an S/U basis.


  • COM 1200 - Thinking Through Communication (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    An introduction to reading, writing, and thinking critically about communication through a collaborative examination of primary sources concerning communication theory and history.
  • COM 1300 - Journalism Matters: An Introduction to News Literacy and News Writing (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    This course will explore the history and essential role of the free press in our democracy, while equipping students with the skills necessary to become engaged and informed citizens. Students will learn to evaluate sources and information, and they will learn the basics of news gathering, writing, and editing processes.
  • COM 1600 - Fundamentals of Electronic Media (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    This course provides an in-depth look at the industries in electronic media and gives a framework on which the BS in   major can build.
  • COM 2101 - Public Speaking (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Intensive practice in composition and delivery of various types of speeches with emphasis on speech structure and style.
  • COM 2105 - Public Speaking in the Disciplines (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    GEN ED: Liberal Studies Experience
    Intensive practice in composition and delivery of various types of speeches with emphasis on speech structure and style suited to a particular subject matter, which will vary by section as indicated in the schedule of classes.
  • COM 2106 - Argumentation and Advocacy (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    Study of the theory of argumentation including the reasoning process; the use, discovery, and evaluation of evidence; refutation; advocacy situation analysis and adaptation. Practice in speaking in a variety of advocacy situations and types.
    Corequisite or prerequisite: COM 2101  or COM 2105 , or consent of the instructor.
  • COM 2110 - Introduction to Nonverbal Communication (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    An introduction to nonverbal behavior as a form of communication, with emphasis upon nonverbal communication in the classroom, in the business world, and in general interpersonal relations. Examination will be made of such areas of nonverbal behavior as kinesics (body language), haptics (communication through touch), proxemics (use of space and communication), paralinguistics (vocal cues in communication), and nonverbal factors in communication between variant ethnic groups and cultures.
  • COM 2112 - Online Public Discourse (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Examination of the effects of Internet-based communication tools on issue awareness, formulation of perspectives, and exchange of views.
  • COM 2115 - Speech Activity (1-3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Participation in activities of the Forensic Union or other projects approved by the department. The student will contract with the appropriate staff member for the activities of this course. May count four (4) semester hours toward graduation.
  • COM 2121 - Interpersonal Communication (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    GEN ED: Integrative Learning Experience (Theme: “Social Relations Across Contexts”)
    Study and application of basic communication concepts to interactive communication situations and problems. Students will be involved in various activities pertinent to understanding these concepts.
  • COM 2124 - Intercultural Communication (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    GEN ED: Social Science Designation; Integrative Learning Experience (Theme: “Expressions of Culture”)
    Examines communication practices in multi-cultural settings including international, national, regional, ethnic, racial, economic, religious, and other topics of pertinence to effective intercultural communication. Students will be involved in observational activities and research activities to exemplify intercultural communication differences in a practical way.
  • COM 2131 - Health Communication (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    An exploration of the role communication plays in health care delivery, health behavior change programs, and health communication career opportunities. The course is designed to increase understanding of the communication theories and research in patient/ provider relationships, communication in health care organizations, media coverage of health, and health communication campaign planning and implementation.
  • COM 2180 - Communication Theory (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Study of communication theories, systems, models, formulations and measurements; new dimensions in speech criticism and research methodology; critical study of published reports in the contemporary literature of the field.
    Prerequisite: COM 1200 .
  • COM 2181 - Introduction to Rhetorical Theory (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    An introduction to contemporary and classical rhetorical theories of communication and rhetorical approaches to the critical study of rhetorical artifacts.
    Prerequisite COM 1200 .
  • COM 2250 - TV Practicum (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    TV Practicum is an introductory course with the goal of preparing students to operate in a variety of TV production environments. The majority of this course involves hands-on experience with video cameras, tripods, audio mixers, and other standard broadcast equipment. Nearly all class projects are distributed on AppTV, ESPN+, and AppVision. At course completion, students should feel comfortable in the role of production assistant in a professional TV setting. Students wishing to develop their own programs, or apply for an internship at AppTV, are encouraged to take this course.
    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; or permission from instructor.
  • COM 2300 - Introduction to Mass Communications (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Study of the forms of mass communication including newspaper, magazine, radio, television, books, and film.
    Corequisite or prerequisite: COM 1200  or consent of the instructor.
  • COM 2315 - Mass Communication Activity (1)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Participation in broadcasting or journalism activity. Students will contract with the appropriate faculty member to work in radio, TV, or journalism. Maximum of four hours may be applied to graduation.
    Graded on an S/U basis.
  • COM 2316 - Audio Production (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Audio Production is a combined lecture/laboratory course designed to teach electronic media/broadcast students the important aspects of audio pre-production, production, and post production that are applicable to radio, television, and internet-based productions. Students are instructed in the use of various types of professional audio production equipment in both lab and in-the-field environments. Beginning with a deep understanding of the science and psychology of sound, as well as terminology, students move toward practical applications of learned audio production skills, including studio and field recording, audio-only production, sound-for-video, and production workflow.
    Corequisite or prerequisite: COM 1600 ; restricted to students admitted to the B.S. degree in  .
  • COM 2325 - Public Relations Principles (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    An introductory course that serves as an overview of the technical elements and basic principles of public relations. It introduces the students to the concepts and activities that form the foundations of a professional practice. Prerequisite: must be an admitted public relations major or communication minor.
    Prerequisite: must be an admitted public relations major or communication minor.
  • COM 2416 - Video Production I (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    The course introduces students to the basic techniques of producing single camera video productions, and examines both the technical and analytical aspects of the production process. Students will produce content that falls within a variety of genres.  Areas covered include concept and storyline development, treatments, scripting, planning, camera techniques, lighting, sound, and editing.
    Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the B.S. degree in  .
  • COM 2500 - Independent Study (1-2)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
  • COM 2610 - News Reporting and Writing (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Study of reporting and writing news for newspapers, magazines, and online media. Emphasis on techniques of gathering news, interviewing sources, and writing news stories.
    Prerequisites: COM 1200  and COM 1300 ; or permission of the instructor.
  • COM 2612 - Electronic Media Newswriting (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Study of newsgathering and newswriting for electronic media. Emphasis on techniques of interviewing, newsgathering, newswriting and preparing news stories for electronic media.
    Prerequisites: COM 1600 ; registration is restricted to Communication majors or consent of the instructor.
  • COM 2618 - Introduction to Media Publishing (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Introduction to the creation of printed communication. Students will be given the opportunity to learn to use current desktop publishing software to create publications typically found in the field of communication.
    Prerequisite: must be an admitted major in the Department of Communication.
  • COM 2650 - Selected Topics in Reporting (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    An opportunity to study a special topic or combination of topics not otherwise provided for in the communication curriculum. COM 2650 is reserved for 3 credit hour selected topics courses related to journalism / reporting.
    May be repeated for credit when content does not duplicate.
    Prerequisites: COM 1200  and COM 1300 ; or permission of the instructor.
  • COM 2700 - Foundations of Advertising (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    An introductory course that examines advertising as a form of communication. After a brief examination of history, role in the economy, external restraints and customer behavior, the course concentrates on theories and principles of media messages and management as well as advertising applications and trends.
  • COM 3010 - Media Graphics (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    A study and application of the creative and practical aspects of typography, layout and design of printed and electronic communication.
    Prerequisite: COM 2618 .
  • COM 3100 - Interviewing Methods (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A study of communication variables in interview situations, including elements of informational, persuasive, health care, research, appraisal, journalistic and selection (employment) interviews. Includes a focus on question development and formulation, legal and ethical implications of interviewing techniques, interviewing as a theoretical perspective, and simulation interviews.
  • COM 3110 - Small Group Communication (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The theory and practice of small group communication, with emphasis upon the psychology of small group interaction, styles and methods of leadership, environments and small group interactions, and problem/solution methodologies in small group interactions. Students are provided the opportunity to apply theory in actual small group projects.
  • COM 3117 - Environmental Communication (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The course is designed to encourage students to think critically about the meanings of environmental communication and the roles it plays in their lives and throughout the world. Students will also examine the recent history and development of environmental communication as an area of intellectual inquiry.
  • COM 3118 - Communicating Coal in Appalachia (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The course examines the types of communication and information campaigns used by various stakeholders in the cultural, economic and political conflicts surrounding the coal industry in Appalachia. Students will learn through case studies, readings, guest speakers and at least one field trip to the coal fields of Appalachia.
  • COM 3120 - Rhetoric and Religious Discourse (3) [WID]

    When Offered: On Demand
    GEN ED: Junior Writing in the Discipline (WID)
    The rhetorical analysis of religious themes in political and popular discourses.
    Prerequisite: R C 2001  or its equivalent.
  • COM 3130 - Minorities in Media (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    GEN ED: Integrative Learning Experience (Theme: “American Culture: Past and Present”)
    This lecture and discussion course introduces students to the complex relationships between race, gender, and popular culture via critical media analysis.
  • COM 3131 - Health Communication in Interpersonal Settings (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Theory and practice of health communication in interpersonal contexts, including patient-provider communication, social support, and communication in illness.
  • COM 3132 - Health and Mass Media (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A course exploring the mass communication contexts of health communication, including health news, advertising, campaigns, and information seeking. The course is appropriate for the future health care professional, health communication professional, and health communication graduate student, patient, or health care consumer.
  • COM 3151 - Gender Communication (3) [WID]

    When Offered: On Demand
    GEN ED: Junior Writing in the Discipline (WID)
    A course designed to allow students to learn, through studying theories and through practical experiences, the concepts relative to communication and both genders. Study includes, but is not limited to, communication among both and single genders; communication role development; how gender communication affects family relationships; differences in verbal and nonverbal communication across genders; and how gender roles affect close relationships, education, the media, acts of violence, and the workplace.
    Prerequisite: R C 2001  or its equivalent.
  • COM 3152 - Communication in Organizations (3)

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    Examines communication within organizational structures; develops skill in language, observation and listening; teaches improved communications skill through interview and formal presentations. Oriented to the speech communication requirements of the contemporary business and professional community.
  • COM 3155 - Persuasion (3) [WID]

    When Offered: Fall; Spring
    GEN ED: Junior Writing in the Discipline (WID)
    This course explores the role of persuasion in public life. Students will learn to critically analyze and produce persuasive discourse in social, cultural, and democratic contexts in light of prevailing theories of social influence.
    Prerequisites: COM 1200  and COM 2101  or COM 2105 , or consent of the instructor; and R C 2001  or its equivalent.
  • COM 3182 - Organizational Communication Simulation (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A course designed to help students develop and apply organizational communication skills that are helpful in a variety of professional settings, including human resources, interviewing, group decision-making, and written and oral reporting.

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