Feb 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support Services

Orientation Programs

Orientation helps new students explore Appalachian’s academic and social opportunities and make a smooth transition to life on campus. Orientation services for students are provided in the forms of an online pre-orientation course, an academic on-campus orientation program, and a Welcome Weekend program prior to the start of the fall semester. A Parent & Family Orientation program runs concurrently with the new student on-campus academic orientation program.

New Student Orientation & Orientation Welcome Weekend


Nikki Crees, Director

Orientation is coordinated by University College and emphasizes academic information, placement testing, advice on course scheduling, University policies and procedures, and registration for classes. The program is required for all entering degree-seeking undergraduate students and takes place throughout the summer, at the beginning of each semester, and at the beginning of each summer session term. Orientation should be completed before the first day of classes but MUST be completed no later than the end of the specified drop/add period. New students may not confirm their class schedule without attending Orientation.

Orientation Welcome Weekend takes place at the beginning of the fall semester for all new undergraduate students. This program focuses on campus engagement, student involvement, and resources for student success. Students also have opportunities to meet professors and to get to know other students.

Parent & Family Orientation


Parent & Family Orientation is coordinated by the Office of Parent & Family Services, in the Division of Student Affairs, and is held concurrently with New Student Orientation. Parent Orientation connects families to the University resources and activities available to students. The program also discusses strategies and engagement opportunities for parents and families as their student transitions to college.

Academic Advising


Appalachian views advising students as one of its highest responsibilities and priorities. Academic advising seeks to provide every student with assistance in identifying academic and career interests, developing a realistic and successful academic program, planning an effective career strategy, and addressing personal and social areas of concern. Faculty, administrators, and staff are committed to a comprehensive advising system that addresses students’ needs at each stage in their University education.

University College Academic Advising

Lynne Waugh, Director
Christine Anderson, Associate Director

University College Academic Advising serves all first-time, degree-seeking, main campus undergraduate students in their first semesters and through major declaration. Professional advisors educate students regarding academic requirements and policies. They assist with academic planning, interpreting University policies, and exploring academic majors and career strategies. Advising for undeclared freshmen, first semester transfers, students whose GPA is below a 2.0, and most undeclared students with 60 or more earned hours (see Mandatory Major Declaration) is mandatory. The UC Advising Center is located in 101 D.D. Dougherty Hall, (828) 262-2167. advising.appstate.edu

Advising in the Colleges/School. When students have completed at least 30 semester hours, including credit for RC 1000 or an equivalent course and credit for or current enrollment in UCO 1200 or an equivalent course, and have obtained at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, they may declare a major unless additional admissions requirements must be met. In this case, their academic records are forwarded from the University College Academic Advising Office to the appropriate degree-granting college/school (College of Arts and Sciences, Walker College of Business, Reich College of Education, College of Fine and Applied Arts, Beaver College of Health Sciences, and Hayes School of Music). In some cases, additional requirements must be met to be formally accepted into a college/school. Personnel are available in the dean’s office of each degree-granting college or the School of Music to answer general questions about University graduation requirements, interpret University policy, and review a student’s official record.

Advising in the Departments/Programs. Since advising policies vary at the upper division level, students who have declared their majors should contact their major departments/programs for advising information. As the primary source of advising for the major, the departmental/program advisor helps students in developing realistic and successful academic programs, exploring career opportunities, and staying informed about University and departmental policies and activities.

Faculty members maintain weekly office hours for routine conferences with students. Many faculty will be able to answer general questions about University regulations and requirements, but others will refer students to a department, program, or college/school for both general and specialized advising. When students have personal and social problems, faculty members assist if possible and, if the need is apparent, make necessary referrals to one of the special counseling services on campus.

Advising Responsibilities. In order for academic advising to be constructive and beneficial, it is important that both the student and the advisor recognize respective responsibilities. The advisor is committed and prepared to provide appropriate, accurate, and timely information at every stage of the student’s career. The student, on the other hand, must be willing to accept advice, realizing that the ultimate responsibility for understanding University regulations and for meeting graduation requirements resides with the student. Advising is a shared responsibility between the student and the advisor.

Mandatory Major Declaration. Students who are eligible to declare their majors and have junior status, 60 or more earned credit hours and the completion of one semester at Appalachian State University must declare their majors and move from University College Academic Advising to advising within their colleges/school and departments. A registration hold will be placed on the student accounts of those students who do not declare their majors when mandated. While University College academic advisors advise freshman and sophomore students, juniors and seniors are much better served in their specific major departments/programs as they progress toward graduation.

Student Learning Center


Brady Rourke, Executive Director

The Student Learning Center supports academic achievement by all Appalachian students. The Student Learning Center provides services including: tutoring, academic coaching, mentoring, academic strategy instruction, study skill courses, and workshops Specific populations of students are provided a comprehensive system of advising and support, which include orientation, class scheduling, major selection, career planning, and student development programming.

The following are descriptions of the components of the Student Learning Center located on the second floor of D.D. Dougherty Hall. For additional information, call (828) 262-2291 or email student-learning-center@appstate.edu

Academic Services for Student-Athletes


Stacy Sears, Director

Appalachian State University values academic excellence as well as athletic achievement. The student-athlete is provided a comprehensive academic support system through academic advising, counseling, tutoring, assistance with registration, orientation, academic progress reports, and NCAA eligibility checks. A required structured study program is required for all first-year student-athletes. For further information, call (828) 262-6889 or email academic-services-athletes@appstate.edu

Appalachian Commitment to a College Education for Student Success (ACCESS)


Beth Marsh, Director
Adam Warren, Academic Advisor

The ACCESS program offers low-income students from North Carolina a four-year university education at Appalachian State University debt-free. Specifically, the ACCESS program supplements federal financial aid grants, state financial aid grants and scholarships, and other forms of financial assistance with sufficient funds to cover the cost of institutional charges (tuition, fees, room, board) and health insurance costs.

To be eligible for the ACCESS program, a student must enter Appalachian as a first-time freshman on the main campus, attend full-time, be a resident of North Carolina, make satisfactory academic progress (as defined by federal regulations), and be from a family with an income at or below the Federal Poverty Level (indexed by family size). In addition to financial assistance, ACCESS students receive a comprehensive program of academic support which includes long-term academic advising, mentors, tutoring, early registration assistance, academic progress reports, career development, and financial planning.

Academic Strategy Instruction


Heather Lippard, Director
Katharine Johnson, Assistant Director

Students can sign up for individual appointments with a learning specialist to discuss strategies such as note-taking methods, time management, effective reading and study methods, test-taking skills, test anxiety, organization, and study tips for standardized test preparation.

Academic Strategy Instruction offers a variety of, one credit-hour elective courses in time management, study skills, and power reading. Each course is designed to give students the opportunity to identify, practice and reflect on strategies for academic achievement. Workshops can be arranged upon request. For more information, call (828) 262-3044.



Jamie Inlow, Director

As-U-R is the student centered initiative of College STAR (Supporting Transition, Access, and Retention: A UNC System Project Supporting Students with Learning Differences). As-U-R is a student support program focused on supporting students with executive function challenges (EFCs). Skills related to academic success, such as organization, planning and setting priorities, getting starting and completing tasks, monitoring progress on tasks, and decision-making are referred to as executive function skills. Executive function challenges are defined as chronic difficulties in organizing, planning, and carrying out tasks and can make success in college-level academics much more difficult. Some college students with EFCs may have previously been assessed for or even diagnosed with ADHD or a learning disability, but others may not, despite struggling with such tasks. As-U-R offers intensive accountability, peer mentoring/tutoring, drop-in assistance, quiet study rooms in Edwin Duncan Hall, and access to assistive technology.

Student Support Services


Cathia Silver, Director
Carole Greene, Assistant Director

Funded and supported by the U.S. Department of Education and Appalachian State University, the Student Support Services Program provides services to first generation and/or low income college students. Services include long-term academic and personal advising, early assessment of academic progress, priority tutoring, mentoring program for freshmen, as well as help with course selection, four year planning, financial aid assistance and financial literacy, college success seminar, cultural activities, career exploration and development including post graduate planning, and a scholarship program for freshmen and sophomores who qualify for the federal Pell Grant. For more information, please call (828) 262-2291.

University Tutorial Services/LEAD Tutoring

www.tutoring.appstate.edu or www.si.appstate.edu

Lee Cope, Director

University Tutorial Services assists students who want to improve their chances of success in their coursework and/or who benefit from discussing course content with peer tutors. The program provides free tutorial assistance in most 1000 and 2000 level courses through small group tutoring. Students may sign up for tutoring appointments on Monday through Thursday from 9AM- 8PM and on Friday from 9AM-5PM by going in person to Room 208 of D.D. Dougherty Hall, (828) 262-3060 and completing a request form.

LEAD Tutoring is specifically offered for students taking Chemistry courses and is designed to help students master course concepts and increase competency in reading, reasoning, and study skills. Successful role models such as upperclass students serve as LEAD tutors and attend course lectures, take notes, and complete assigned readings in order to lead weekly review sessions for students enrolled in these courses. For more information, please call (828) 262-3060.

Testing Services


Ed Williamson, Director
Kathy Berry, Office Manager

Marta Saylors, Test Center Administrator

Appalachian State University Office of Testing Services provides a computer-based testing center in John E. Thomas Hall for the administration of a wide variety of exams to support ASU students and faculty, members of the community, and working professionals from around the region. Candidates can test at scheduled appointment times at one of 12 computer stations located in John E. Thomas Hall.

A list of tests/examinations offered, but not limited to, are the GRE General Test (Graduate Record Examination), GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), PRAXIS (national teacher exams), TOEFL (Testing of English as a Foreign Language), the MAT (Miller Analogies Test), CLEP tests (College Level Examination Program), ASE (Automotive Service Excellence), and IQT (ISO Quality Testing). Testing Services is also a Pearson VUE Select testing center, and provides a number of professional certification and industry credentialing exams offered by Pearson VUE.

In addition to computer-based tests, paper and pencil tests are administered on national test dates throughout the year. They include: LSAT (Law School Admissions Test), MPRE (Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam), and GRE Subject Tests.

Testing Services also coordinates testing for Appalachian State and non-Appalachian State students enrolled in online classes. Please email testingsrvcs@appstate.edu, or call 828-262-6801 to schedule an appointment for these exams. All requests for accommodated testing must be approved through the Office of Disability Services prior to test administration for these tests.

University Documentary Film Services


Beth Davison, Co-Director
Tom Hansell, Co-Director

The University Documentary Film Services program teaches, engages in, and presents documentary work grounded in collaborative local and global partnerships that use photography, film/video, audio, and narrative writing to capture and convey memory, life, research, theory, and culture.

University Documentary Film Services:

  • Coordinates existing documentary film efforts and resources on campus.
  • Provides information and support for producing documentaries.
  • Offers classroom instruction and workshops about basic documentary skills.
  • Archives and disseminates campus documentary projects.

The University Documentary Film Services office is located in Room 112 Howard Street Hall.

For more information, please call (828) 262-7715 or (828) 262-6397.

University Writing Center


Elizabeth Carroll, Director
Julie Karaus, Assistant Director

The University Writing Center offers free one-to-one conferences with Appalachian students working on any type of writing project: papers for academic courses, thesis chapters, statements for graduate school applications, and creative writing projects. Consultants work with writers at any stage of the writing process, from inventing topics and revising drafts to editing at the sentence level.

The University Writing Center is located in Room 204 of Belk Library and Information Commons.

For more information or to make an appointment, call (828) 262-3144 or visit our website www.writingcenter.appstate.edu.