2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
University College
Mark C. Ginn, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
University College at Appalachian State University was founded in 2007 in order to coordinate programs that meet a broad range of needs for 21st-century students as they prepare to live and work in a complex network of local, regional and global communities. We cross many of the boundaries that separate traditional colleges and departments, and we are committed to the idea that a college education should connect what goes on inside and outside the classroom.
University College curricular programs are designed to help students achieve the essential learning outcomes of a liberal education, emphasizing reflective, life-long learning and the transferable skills necessary for navigating today’s ever-changing world. Through co-curricular programs, students learn from distinguished authors and speakers, blend their classroom learning with community service, and pursue independent research with faculty mentors.
All students begin their education in University College: both freshmen and transfer students are introduced to the university and given their initial academic guidance through the Office of Advising and Orientation. Throughout their time at Appalachian, students benefit from other support services to improve their writing, work on other academic skills, and take the tests necessary to advance their careers at Appalachian and beyond. University College provides faculty members with innovative teaching opportunities and supports them in developing practices of engaged and successful learning. For more information, please call the University College office at (828) 262-7660 or visit the website at www.universitycollege.appstate.edu.
University College Programs and Services
Academic Support Services
Orientation Programs
Academic Advising
Student Learning Center
Testing Services
University Documentary Film Services
University Writing Center
Co-Curricular Programs
Forum Lecture Series
Office of Student Research
Common Reading Program
Academic Civic Engagement
General Education Program
General Education
Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)
First Year Seminar