Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Catalog

Graduate courses at Appalachian are numbered 5000 and above. 5000 is master’s level; 6000 is specialist level; 7000 is doctoral level. Courses numbered below 5000 may not count toward the minimum hours required for a graduate degree or certificate program of study.

Courses for Continued Enrollment

Courses numbered 5989/7989 courses are intended for continued enrollment purposes only and do not count toward the minimum hours required for a graduate degree or certificate program of study. All other courses described in this bulletin (except courses numbered 5989 and 7989) are courses that count as a required or elective course on a program of study for at least one graduate degree.

Cross-listed Courses

Several courses are shared across two or more disciplines or departments, and as such are cross listed under multiple prefixes. Students may only count one version of such a course on a program of study. These cross-listed courses are indicated with a notation in (parentheses) at the end of the course description.

Dual-listed Courses

Selected courses at the 5000 level are dual listed with senior undergraduate (4000-level) courses, meaning that the two courses may be offered in the same room at the same time. Graduate students in these 5000-level courses will have additional requirements specified on the syllabus to ensure a more in-depth study of the course topics. These dual-listed courses are indicated with a notation in [brackets] at the end of the course description. Graduate students may include up to 12 semester hours of dual-listed 5000-level courses on a program of study.

NOTE: When a prerequisite is at the undergraduate level (below the 5000 level), students should consult with the department regarding whether they have the relevant background to succeed in the graduate course.


Human Development & Psychological Counseling

  • HPC 6525 - Advanced Systemic Multicultural Counseling (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    An exploration of counseling issues related to a culturally diverse client population.
    Prerequisite: HPC 5110 
  • HPC 6530-6549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • HPC 6570 - The Appalachian Addictions Institute (3-9)

    When Offered: Summer Session
    Variable content. Barring duplication, a student may repeat the course and earn up to a total of nine semester hours. This annual summer institute is designed to provide graduate students and working professionals with an opportunity for in-depth exploration of cutting-edge, clinical issues and topics within the addictions field.
  • HPC 6620 - School-Based Consultation (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    For school psychologists, counselors and other human service personnel in various fields who deal with parents and/or teachers in a consultative and educational capacity. The course will include a review of consultation models and theories of both a group and triadic nature. It will also provide an opportunity for role play which reflects actual consulting situations. Emphasis will be placed on concerns related to academic deficit, behavioral problems in the school and home, and family stress.
    (Same as PSY 6620 .)
  • HPC 6710 - Human Sexuality (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    Classical and contemporary theories of sexual identity and behavior, family planning, reproduction, emotionality, intimacy, and values are studied. Special attention is given to the work of Kinsey, Hooker, and Masters and Johnson, and most recent researchers. Attention is given to futurity, especially as it pertains to current practices and values regarding family planning, general health, sexuality and one’s self-esteem. Counseling strategies will be considered pertaining to many currently reported sexual dysfunctions such as impotence, premature ejaculation and lack of sexual response.
  • HPC 6720 - Group Counseling/Therapy (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Theory and practice of group counseling/therapy, including group process, leadership style, and outcome.
    Prerequisite: HPC 5790  or equivalent.
  • HPC 6730 - Sexual Abuse Counseling (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    An in-depth examination of the subject of sexual abuse counseling. The course provides an overview of the issues involved in sexual abuse and relates these to the assessment and treatment processes used by counselors and other helping professionals.
  • HPC 6750 - College Student Development Institute (3-9)

    When Offered: Summer Session
    This annual summer institute is designed to allow college administrators, counselors, instructors, other student development personnel, and graduate students to consider a variety of issues facing students and student development specialists. There is variable content each summer with the theme and topics reflecting current issues and needs. Barring duplication, a student may repeat the course and earn up to a total of nine semester hours.
  • HPC 6770 - Current Issues and Special Populations in Addictions Counseling (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Current issues in the addictions field as they impact both counselors and their clients are addressed. Both practical and theoretical orientations of working with addicted clients are discussed. An emphasis is placed in the course on working with rural and minority clients.
  • HPC 6900 - Internship (1-18)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer Session
    Advanced students in counselor education will have supervised experiences in specific functions of the counselor education field in a public school system, post-secondary institution, or other appropriate agency. In addition to those listed below, other specific experiences will be developed and approved by the student and the student’s advisory committee. May be taken up to a total of eighteen semester hours with permission of the departmental chair. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisite: prior approval of the departmental chair.

    Internship in Professional School Counseling: Practice in the application of skills used in counseling elementary/middle/secondary school youth. Setting to be decided upon in consultation with the internship supervisor. A minimum of 600 clock hours of work (full-time) as a counselor in the school will be required. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisites: HPC 5140 , HPC 5210 , HPC 5220 , HPC 5225 , HPC 5310 , HPC 5754 , HPC 5790 , HPC 5900 , HPC 6620 /PSY 6620 , admission to candidacy, and approval of the departmental chair.

    Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling: On-the-job experience will be emphasized through placement of students in appropriate human service agencies. Includes practice in the counseling and other helping skills used in various agencies. Available primarily for Clinical Mental Health Counseling majors. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisites: HPC 5120 , HPC 5220 , HPC 5225 , HPC 5752 , HPC 5790 , HPC 5900 , HPC 6451  and approval of departmental chairperson.

    Internship in College Student Development: On-the-job experience will be emphasized through placement of students in specific student development functions/offices either on the ASU campus or in another area post-secondary institution. Available primarily for college student development majors. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisites: HPC 5410 , HPC 5900  (Practicum in College Student Development) and/or HPC 5900  (Practicum in Counseling), and prior approval of the departmental chair.

    Internship in Marriage and Family Therapy (3+3+6).F;S;SS.: Supervised practice in the application of skills used in systemic individual, couple and family therapy. Open only to marriage and family therapy majors. Graded on an S/U basis. Prior approval of the departmental chair.
    Prerequisite: prior approval of the departmental chair.

Industrial Design

  • IND 5555 - Contemporary Industrial Finishing (2)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Care and maintenance of finishing equipment; selection and use of spray equipment; preparation of the surface to be finished, staining and filling undercoating, top coating, oil finishes, application of simple and synthetic finishes.
    Prerequisite: IND 2005 (Wood Technology).
    [Dual-listed with IND 4555.]
  • IND 5557 - Design for Manufacture (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    The theoretical design, development, and mass production of a manufactured product. To include market survey, design selection, prototype, construction, development of jigs and fixtures, and implementation of process planning and control systems.
    [Dual-listed with IND 4557.]
  • IND 5565 - Applied Furniture Design and Construction (4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The study of traditional and contemporary furniture, and its importance, design, and construction procedures. The student may design and construct a piece of traditional or contemporary furniture.
    Prerequisite: IND 3025 (Advanced Wood Technology).
    [Dual-listed with IND 4565.]

Instructional Technology/Computers

  • ITC 5220 - Digital Technologies in Education (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Exploration of the various roles of digital technologies in instructional, service and clinical settings.
  • ITC 5240 - Designing Instruction for Digital-Age Learners (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The exploration of a variety of issues related to designing authentic and engaging instruction for today’s digital learners. The coursework will focus on identifying the characteristics and dispositions of digital learners within the context of 21st century skills in order to develop effective instruction. Topics will include: examining the theoretical and pedagogical research base that informs the design of authentic learning contexts, identifying relevant instructional strategies and best practices, and utilizing the appropriate digital tools to develop innovative instructional environments.
  • ITC 5260 - Promoting 21st Century Literacies (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will focus on an understanding of 21st century skills and themes and it will engage students in discussions, activities, and projects related to issues of information, media, multicultural, and visual literacies. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of the ethical and legal issues surrounding the access and use of information, evaluating social and cultural differences in order to collaborate effectively with others from a range of social and cultural backgrounds, examining how media can influence beliefs and behaviors, and utilizing appropriate visual media creation tools.
  • ITC 5330 - Utilizing Networking and Communications Technologies for Learning (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The exploration of telecommunications and social networking in the learning environment. Includes attributes and implementation of learning activities that take advantage of telecommunications/social networking facilities and tools, types of technologies and networks available, setting up connections, and maintaining telecommunications facilities.
  • ITC 5350 - Technology Policy and Law (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    An exploration of existing policies and laws relating to instructional technology. Discussion of the processes involved with policy development, practice in writing, advocating for new policies, and policy changes.
  • ITC 5440 - Digital Learning Environments in a Changing Society (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will focus on the issues surrounding the utilization of various technologies designed to create digital learning environments, including, but not limited to, Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) games, Virtual Worlds and Augmented Reality. Special focus will be placed on the current technologies that are available to integrate within educational environments, methodologies for properly integrating those tools, and elements for designing or tailoring these tools for specific instructional needs.
  • ITC 5500 - Independent Study (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary depending on student interest and need. A student may enroll more than once provided the content does not duplicate that of the previous course.
  • ITC 5530-5549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary from term to term depending on student interest and need. A student may enroll more than once in a selected topics course provided that the content does not duplicate that of the previous course. Limit of six hours credit.
  • ITC 5550 - Professional Development, Innovation, and Systemic Change (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    An exploration of the change process as it relates to innovations as well as the research, issues and design of professional development programs for change within professional institutions such as schools. The application of differing instructional strategies designed for innovative changes will be examined within the context of dealing with organizational barriers.
  • ITC 5620 - Vision and Strategies for Integration of Digital Technologies (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The study of processes that facilitate the incorporation of computer capabilities into the K-12 school curriculum, including the identification of appropriate instructional settings for computer use and the means to support teachers as they introduce the use of computers into the curriculum. Special emphasis will be placed on the development of the use of the computer as a tool that enables learning.
  • ITC 5642 - Design and Development of Digital Media (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    This course introduces the student to a range of digital tools for the design and production of web based education and information design. Topics include web page development and design, design of digital graphics, video, visual design, animation, and issues concerning information design, service, site management and a review of current research on effective instructional design for web based learning environments.
  • ITC 5720 - Planning for Instructional Technology (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The development of technology plans for existing and future schools that incorporate current levels of technology and allow for the growth into new technologies. Included will be the evaluation of hardware and software and the development of networking systems.
  • ITC 5730 - Advanced Web Design, Development and Systems (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    This course will provide students with an advanced exploration into web design, development and the systems required to deliver web-based solutions. This class will include web programming, database integration, scripting, and the selection/installation/ management of web hosting solutions. Students will research trends and issues in advanced web technologies.
    Prerequisite: ITC 5642  or permission of instructor.
  • ITC 5800 - Designing 3D Immersive Environments for Instruction (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will provide the theoretical and pedagogical frameworks for the design and implementation of immersive environments for instruction. Students will explore models of and research about effective planning and building of these environments to promote meaningful interactions among participants. Students will begin to design activities and artifacts for inclusion in immersive spaces.
  • ITC 5820 - Creating and Sustaining 3D Immersive Environments for Learning (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course provides students the opportunity to incorporate the knowledge and experiences learned to date by working individually and in teams to develop, deploy and evaluate immersive learning communities to meet the needs of educational, community or other organizations. In doing so, students will gain practical experience while taking the initiative for independent and authentic learning.
    Prerequisite: ITC 5800  or equivalent.
  • ITC 5825 - Advanced Instructional Design Concepts and Applications (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    This course will allow learners to engage with a variety of concepts and issues related to designing effective and engaging online learning. Topics such as Universal Design for Learning, authentic assessment, scaffolding learning needs, facilitating community and presence, and evaluating effectiveness will all be explored as learners design and develop learning materials and relevant instructional modules. Emphasis will be placed on applying theories and strategies to authentic online learning settings.
    Prerequisite: C I 5921  or permission of instructor.
  • ITC 5900 - Internship in Educational Computing (2-6)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Supervised experiences of leadership and management under the direction of competent personnel or study of problems in a public school, public school system, or other appropriate agency/institution.
  • ITC 5910 - Applications of Digital Technologies (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This capstone course provides students the opportunity to incorporate their knowledge and experiences to date by working individually and in teams to develop, deploy and evaluate applications of digital technologies in educational organizations. In doing so, students will gain practical experience while taking the initiative for independent and authentic learning.
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor or program director.
    Graded on an S/U basis.
  • ITC 6010 - Learning, Design, and Technology (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will address the many areas related to promoting instructional innovation and effective technology integration in schools. Areas of focus will include developing a broader understanding of the emerging literature base that informs instructional innovation and emerging contexts for learning, identifying mechanisms and strategies for professional development and systemic change, and identifying local and global communities of practice that promote effective instruction and technological integration across disciplines. Focus will be on designing programs and processes at the school level to promote effective technology integration.
  • ITC 6020 - Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Utilizing Digital Technologies (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This advanced seminar in instructional technology focuses on trends and emerging technologies that are currently transforming society, and which have the potential to profoundly impact our lives in the future. Advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and data analytics have and will continue to result in innovations in healthcare, productivity, and economic advantages for some, however, it is important to examine how these emerging technologies may influence social systems in developing regions, and impact issues related to human rights and equality. This course, then, takes a critical look at the relationship between technology and society, with consideration given to globalizations’ advancement of technology, and the impact this has on issues of social justice, such as human rights, gender equality, wealth equity, and sustainable development.
  • ITC 6030 - Planning for Instructional Technology Initiatives (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course includes a detailed investigation of the leadership expertise needed to develop and support a variety of instructional technology integration initiatives. Students will explore and assess the necessary infrastructure components, support models, connectivity considerations, policy development and security protections related to technology systems and device integration in educational environments. Students will develop a deep understanding of the importance of aligning organizational vision and mission goals with the planning and implementation of technology-related systems, facilities, infrastructure, policy development and security to support instructional initiatives. Students will assess, design and develop plans to implement technological initiatives into existing educational environments, new construction and renovation, and explore RFPs and other funding considerations for instructional systems and devices. Maintenance considerations,Total Cost of Ownership and Return on Investment will also be explored.
  • ITC 6040 - Technology Leadership and Management for Systemic Improvement (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is designed to help individuals provide digital age leadership and management to continuously improve organizations through the effective use of information and technology resources. Participants will explore management strategies for technology organizations, effective tools and strategies for change management, and plans for advocacy for instructional technology procedures and initiatives.
  • ITC 6550 - Information Technology Systems in Education (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is intended to help senior level school leaders at the district level understand the functional uses of major district-level information systems technology. These information systems form a data-based foundation for many of the critical decisions that public school districts are required to make as central to district level administration. While the technological backbones of these systems are not a necessary part of the knowledge base for senior level school leaders, understanding how to query these systems, understanding the scope and limitations of these systems, and understanding how to apply information from these systems to the problems and practices of a contemporary 21st century public school district is a critical part of connecting information to systems thinking and strategic decision-making.
  • ITC 6910 - Research and Applications in Instructional Technology Leadership (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This capstone course provides students the opportunity to incorporate their knowledge and experiences to date by working individually to develop, deploy and evaluate applications of digital technologies in educational organizations. Candidates will employ needs assessments, develop a research basis for the project chosen, and participate in action research and/or program evaluation to determine the success of the selected initiative. In doing so, students will gain practical experience while taking the initiative for independent and authentic learning.
    Prerequisite: Permission of advisor or instructor required.
    Graded on an S/U basis.

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • IDS 5500 - Independent Study (1-4)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • IDS 5530-5549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring, On Demand

Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

  • LLC 5500 - Independent Study (1-3)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • LLC 5525 - Product of Learning (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    An on-going research/pedagogical project in thesis or portfolio form.
  • LLC 5530-5549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
  • LLC 5550 - Structure of Modern English for TESL (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will investigate the structure of the English language from the viewpoint of modern linguistics. Focus will be placed on the role of grammar in the second language classroom and methods of teaching grammar in a communicative context.
    Prerequisites: two years of a language other than English and LLC 2050 (Say What? Language in Mind and Society) or ENG 3610 (Studies in the Principles of Language).
    [Dual-listed with LLC 4550.]
  • LLC 5551 - Materials and Methods in TESL (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A survey of various methods and materials to teach English to speakers of other languages. Discussion will focus on factors affecting how curricula are developed to most effectively teach speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture to ESL students. Central to this course will be: an emphasis on various methods used to teach ESL holistically and in the context of a particular content; assessment; materials and resources; and the growth and development of the field of ESL.
    Prerequisites: two years of a language other than English and LLC 2050 (Say What? Language in Mind and Society) or ENG 3610 (Studies in the Principles of Language).
    [Dual-listed with LLC 4551.]
  • LLC 5555 - Practicum in TESL (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course provides future ESL teachers with experience teaching English to speakers of other languages in a supervised setting. As a part of this course, students complete a project/portfolio for use in future instruction.
    Prerequisites: two years of a language other than English and LLC 2050 (Say What? Language in Mind and Society) or ENG 3610 (Studies in the Principles of Language), LLC 3010 (Second Language Acquisition), LLC 3020 (Language, Society and the Teaching of ESL), and LLC 5550 . May be taken concurrently with LLC 5551 .
    [Dual-listed with LLC 4555.]
  • LLC 5590 - Issues in Teaching Languages and Cultures (3)

    When Offered: Fall. Alternate years
    An examination of current methodologies for teaching and research in second language learning across varied instructional settings, with practical applications that reflect an evolving standard of professionalism for language teachers. A textbook along with recent publications on the National Standards for Language Teaching are the core readings for the course, with additional articles placed on reserve in the Library. Offered alternate years with LLC 5601 .
  • LLC 5600 - Linguistics (3)

    When Offered: Summer Session
    Study of sounds/intonation, word formation, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and their application to learning a second language. Different theoretical approaches will be explained. Students will apply linguistic concepts to problems in a variety of languages. The course will also demonstrate how linguistics analyzes dialects and resolves problems of language learning and teaching.
  • LLC 5601 - Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition (3)

    When Offered: Fall. Alternate years
    An examination of competing views of second language acquisition which inform the way languages are taught. Introduction to a variety of research methods and practices typically used to study and assess student learning. The course culminates in the design of a second-language acquisition project by the student. Offered alternate years with LLC 5590 .
  • LLC 5989 - Graduate Research (1-9)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course is designed to provide access to University facilities for continuing graduate research at the master’s and specialist’s levels.

Leadership in School Administration

  • LSA 5010 - Public School Administration (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    An introductory study of basic structure, organization, and philosophical theories and administration of public schools of the U.S.
  • LSA 5030 - The Principalship (3)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    The purpose of this course is to help students develop a conceptual framework for the leadership role and functions of the principalship. Leadership theory, principles and practice applicable to the organizational components of schools will be emphasized. Research on leadership and the processes of leading change will be analyzed.
  • LSA 5400 - Developing and Managing Resources in Schools (3)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course is designed to prepare entry-level school leaders and executives to provide the necessary leadership in key areas of resources management, including the management of dollars (fiscal), space (building operations), people (personnel management), community resources (engagement) and time. All candidates will be expected to engage in significant electronic exploration, solving various problems in managing resources and sharing their solutions with other candidates.
  • LSA 5500 - Independent Study (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary depending on student interest and need. A student may enroll more than once provided the content does not duplicate that of the previous course.
  • LSA 5530-5549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary from term to term depending on student interest and need. A student may enroll more than once in a selected topics course provided that the content does not duplicate that of the previous course. Limit of six hours credit.
  • LSA 5585 - Teacher Leadership and School Improvement (3)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course is designed to help teachers develop an understanding of and skill in assuming leadership roles and responsibilities in their schools. Those aspects of school leadership seen as most appropriate and potentially beneficial for teacher involvement will be emphasized. Particular attention is paid to the relationships among teacher leadership, school improvement, and site- based accountability. Students will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills and formulate their own approaches through both university-based classroom and site-based clinical activities. Activities such as participant- observations, shadow-studies classroom-action research, problem-based learning, case studies, survey research, and qualitative research studies can be included. Students will be expected to present tangible evidence that represents, authentically, their professional growth.
    (Same as C I 5585 .)
  • LSA 5600 - School Law (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    A study of the fundamental principles underlying the relationship of the state to education and the laws which are applicable to practical problems of school organization and administration.
  • LSA 5650 - Ethical and Humane Dimensions of Educational Leadership (3)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course addresses the broad range of humane and ethical issues, perspectives, and obligations (legal, moral, and aspirational) that collectively relate to individual and organizational purposes. Students will consider aims and values that should guide such things as academic mission and objectives, educational policies and practices, school culture, and human relations and supervision; all related to ethical dimensions of leadership. Students are expected to think critically about a broad and difficult range of issues and dilemmas, requiring the use and development of effective analytical skills, dialog, and processes.
  • LSA 5800 - Critical Inquiry and Thought in Educational Leadership (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is designed as a culminating course for the Master of School Administration program. The course examines current issues and problems that impact school administration. Emphasis is focused on administrative tasks, roles, and functions of educational leaders in schools. The course includes an in-depth review of contemporary trends that change or influence educational administration and governance.
  • LSA 5820 - Theory and Development in Educational Organizations (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    The purpose of this course is to inform students in educational leadership of the nature of organizations and ways in which educational organizations maintain themselves. During the course, it will be emphasized that organizational theory and development are eventually about how people grow and develop relationships. The course is designed to bring educational leadership and organizational thinking into a common framework. Students will have the opportunity to examine their own assumptions about organizations, to engage in the study of organizational culture, and to study how organizations form as they do.
  • LSA 5850 - Politics and Public Policy Analysis for Educational Leadership (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Designed to give students a comprehensive view of the transformation of educational problems into policy and the bureaucratic duties of public education administrators. Equip educational leaders with knowledge of policy theory, development, implementation and analysis necessary in the management of public educational institutions and agencies.
  • LSA 5900 - School Administration and Supervision Internship/Practicum (3-6)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course is designed to provide students with supervised experiences of leadership and management or a supervised project-based learning experience in a school setting under the direction of competent personnel.
  • LSA 5910 - Building-Level Action Research Leadership Evidences (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course requires completion of supervised site-based research projects resulting in evidences emanating from national and state executive leadership standards. Intensive research is conducted relative to building-level leadership and supporting specific topics addressing current issues of building-level leadership practice through specific experiences, readings and seminar participation.
  • LSA 5989 - Graduate Research (1-9)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course is designed to provide access to University facilities for continuing graduate research at the master’s and specialist’s levels.
  • LSA 5999 - Thesis (3-6)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • LSA 6020 - Organization and Systems Theory for District Leaders (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course integrates research in organization and systems theory with the goal of developing an essential understanding of how and why groups organize for educational purposes. Specific traditional and cutting edge organizational theories and frameworks are explored with respect to leading change resulting in healthy, sustainable education organizations. Specific district level organizational analysis projects and case studies are fundamental aspects of the course.
  • LSA 6030 - School District Leadership (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is designed to review the major aspects of public school leadership. Candidates will be expected to review best practice as identified by literature of the discipline, while maintaining a practitioner’s perspective. Students will be expected to build upon previous coursework and experience in school administration as well as current research in acquiring an understanding of the various positions of district level leadership in our public schools.
  • LSA 6080 - District Leadership: Data-Informed Strategic Planning (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course provides prospective school district executive high-level working knowledge of data systems-their structure, use, and analysis. The course provides content designed for district-level leaders of teams charged with developing and interpreting education data for school district executive decision-making. The course is presented in three modules: (1) Evaluating the Quality of Tests, Assessments and Other Measurement Data, (2) Databases and Data Warehousing (How to build a database or data warehouse and how to use it), and (3) A Look to the Future: Learning Analytics (How to make sense out of large sets of data).
  • LSA 6180 - School Finance (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    A study of the principles which contribute to an understanding of public school finance. Emphasis is placed on budget making, fiscal management, and business operations.
  • LSA 6190 - Developing and Managing District Resources (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course provides an opportunity for students to reflect critically on resource development and management. Emphasis is given to problems of practice, while considering the roles school personnel play within the operation of a school district. Students will learn about the human and managerial complexities related to the development and management of resources necessary for promoting effective educational organizations. The course will develop district office administrators, who are able to acquire the knowledge and develop the capacity to create high performing human relations (HR) teams, as well as to understand the HR function and its roles in organizational and individual development. Candidates will learn to apply theory to authentic problems and practices in school districts through research–‐based solutions. The course will employ a variety of pedagogical strategies including lectures, guest lectures from practicing administrators, individual and group assignments, various forms of Educational technology, case studies, simulations, authentic assessment, and class discussions.
  • LSA 6250 - School District Organizational Communications (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course explores the topic of organizational communications by examining the different models and metaphors through which scholars and practitioners have attempted to understand organizations, from the mechanistic perspective of “scientific management” to the organizational view of systems theory. This course explores the implications of these models in terms of what they imply about the nature of human behavior and motivation, the role or function of organizations within society, and the role of communication within organizations.
  • LSA 6300 - Human Resources Organization and Development (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is designed to help senior level school leaders and administrators at the district office level develop knowledge and capacity to create high performing Human Relations (HR) teams. The focus of the course is on the HR function and its roles in organizational and individual development. Particular emphasis is given to the theory and application of knowledge to authentic problems and practices in school districts through research-based solutions to organizational and individual development issues.
  • LSA 6400 - Leading Change in Education (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is designed to assist school leaders in the process of leading and managing change in educational organizations. The content is appropriate for any practicing or aspiring educational leader who faces the dynamics of changing educational settings. The course provides both conceptual and practical models for managing the change process. A primary focus is placed on educational and instructional leadership.
  • LSA 6491 - Educational Facilities (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    Planning the modern school plant, design and nature of functional educational facilities, personnel involvement, maintenance, determining the needs of the community, factors in the selection of sites, architectural and contractual services.
  • LSA 6500 - Independent Study (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Subject matter may vary depending on student interest and need. A student may enroll more than once provided the content does not duplicate that of the previous course.
  • LSA 6530-6549 - Selected Topics (1-4)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Topics considered may include the following: Seminar in Educational Leadership; and Seminar in College Administration, etc.
  • LSA 6600 - Seminar in Legal Problems (3)

    When Offered: Spring
    Current legal issues and problems related to organization and administration of public and private educational institutions.
    (Same as H E 6600 .)
  • LSA 6700 - Policy Analysis in Educational Leadership (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course is a comprehensive analysis of policy theory, which explores the factors that influence policy formation and change, the role of policy in the solution of problems, the creation of organizational vision, the development of accountability, and the resolution of conflict. The course is designed to help prepare senior level school leaders to recognize complex policy issues, to design policy and create effective problem-solving policy, and to integrate that policy into strategic planning and organizational effectiveness.
  • LSA 6900 - School Administration and Supervision Internship/Field Study (2-8)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Supervised experiences of leadership and management under the direction of competent personnel, or study of problems in public schools, public school systems, or other appropriate agencies.
  • LSA 6910 - District-Level Action Research Leadership Evidences (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course requires completion of supervised site-based research projects resulting in evidences emanating from national and state executive leadership standards. Intensive research is conducted relative to district-level leadership and supporting specific topics addressing current issues of district-level leadership practice through specific experiences, readings and seminar participation.
  • LSA 6999 - Education Specialist Thesis (2-4)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring

Library Science

  • LIB 5010 - Collection Development and Management (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course outlines the concepts, process, practices, policies, and issues related to developing and managing collections to meet user needs in school and public libraries. Intellectual freedom and the basics of copyright law and fair use are also examined.
  • LIB 5020 - Information Sources and Services (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course examines how patrons locate, evaluate, use, and share information, and what libraries can do to promote and support patron information literacy and fluency. Information needs analysis, search strategies, ethical uses of information, evaluation of reference services, virtual reference services, the reference interview, and cultural influences on issues related to reference services will be explored and examined in this course.
  • LIB 5030 - Organization of Information (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course examines the skills and knowledge necessary for today’s school and public librarians to process and organize all types of media and information formats, including print, non-print, and electronic resources. Descriptive and value-added cataloging, MARC records, Resource Description and Access, virtual libraries, union catalogs, digital information sources and storage devices, automated cataloging systems, folksonomies and social classification, indexing, subject heading lists, classification systems and current organizational practices, and theories and rules are explored and evaluated.
  • LIB 5040 - Strategic Administration of School Media Resources and Services (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Theories of management and leadership are explored and applied in the planning and administration of school library media centers, including access, budgeting, staffing, professional development, facilities design, public relations and community outreach (global and local), policies and procedures, and grant writing.
  • LIB 5042 - Strategic Administration of Library Resources and Services (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Management theory and managerial functions are investigated and applied to the library setting. The history, mission, philosophy and objectives of libraries are explored, and topics including standards and competencies, personnel, facilities, resources, budgeting, public relations, planning, programming, and evaluation are examined.
  • LIB 5045 - Strategic Administration of Public Library Resources and Services (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course examines the history of public libraries, the changing role, services and mission of the modern public library, and its administrative functions. Funding and budgeting, personnel administration and supervision, facilities design, working with library boards of trustees, library organizational patterns, governance and legal structures, the State Library role, marketing and advocacy, and contemporary issues are among the many topics explored.
  • LIB 5050 - Technology and Libraries: Tools, Resources, and Issues (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course critically examines tools, resources, and issues related to the use of technology in today’s libraries and school media centers. The impact that technology has on storage, retrieval, user information-seeking behaviors, and social interactions will be explored and discussed in this course.
  • LIB 5060 - Building Connections Through Community and Culture (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    In this course, students will explore cultural issues and their relevance to the role of the public librarian and school media specialist in providing library services to the local, regional, national and international community. Elements of culture, such as oral narratives, genealogy, community history, and literature, will be examined through a local and global perspective. In some cases, study abroad experiences will provide opportunities to examine community and cultural issues on an international level.
  • LIB 5070 - Integrating Literature and Media into Instruction (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course will consider the learning theories and best practices to collaboratively plan and integrate instruction in schools utilizing literature and media. Topics include understanding student developmental levels and diversity, assessment, alignment with standards, instructional design and teaching strategies, resource selection, multiple literacies, and research processes.
  • LIB 5080 - Collaborative Media Program Planning and Evaluation (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Concepts and current practices related to planning, implementing, and evaluating a media program as an integral part of the school.
  • LIB 5130 - Government Publications (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Examination of the nature and scope of federal, state, local and international government publications with primary attention given to publications of the United States; basic reference materials; acquisition and organization of government publications.
    Prerequisite: LIB 5020 .
  • LIB 5140 - Electronic Research (3)

    When Offered: Fall
    Explores electronic reference and information sources in all available formats, including CD-ROM, DVD, and Internet databases available in schools and public libraries. Search engines, lesson plans, subject guides, online reference resources and web pathfinders are all explored through hands-on computer experience.
  • LIB 5150 - Library Services to Youth (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    This course presents the organizational structures found in public and other types of libraries to provide services to children and young adults, including the why, how, and by whom such services are provided. Emphasis is placed on the management responsibilities for assuring quality service to these clientele.
  • LIB 5155 - Mystery Genre (3)

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    In this course, the broad range of subgenres within mystery and detective fiction and non- fiction, from ghost stories and seasonal folklore, to true crime including children’s picture books through classic and popular adult works is explored.
  • LIB 5160 - Critical Evaluation of Library Media for Young Adults (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Focusing on materials for the adolescent, students investigate the full range of print and non-print media from perspectives of criticism, bibliographic access, and utilization in public library, school library and classroom settings. To stimulate both instructional and recreational use of media by adolescents, library media programs and services are surveyed and demonstrated.
  • LIB 5165 - Literature and Media for Children and Youth (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    A survey of literature and media from birth through young adult including genres, determining reading levels, and performing readers’ advisory for youth.
  • LIB 5170 - Storytelling (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    An introduction to storytelling programs; experience in selecting, adapting, and presenting materials from the oral tradition and modern literary sources. Emphasis will be placed on the study of folklore and its adaptations for children.
  • LIB 5180 - Multicultural Literature for Youth (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    To introduce the nature of cultural pluralism and prejudice in American Society and to identify its elements in the literature and media for children. Media for children which best exemplifies each ethnic group will be discussed. Criteria for the evaluation of multicultural content in media will be presented. Ways in which to introduce multicultural content in library programs for children will also be examined.
  • LIB 5190 - Critical Evaluation of Library Media for Children (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Focusing on materials for children, students investigate the full range of print and non-print media from perspectives of criticism, bibliographic access, and utilization in public library, school library and classroom settings. To stimulate both instructional and recreational use of media by children, library media programs and services are surveyed and demonstrated.
  • LIB 5195 - Critical Issues in Literature and Media (3)

    When Offered: On Demand
    Through readings, discussions, guest speakers and written assignments, students will become familiar with and formulate positions on the most critical issues of the children and youth literature field including national and international issues, ethnic and diversity issues, peace and social justice issues, new digital formats, age appropriateness, professional associations and awards, needs of children vs. needs of publishers, and determination of quality in fiction and nonfiction.
    Prerequisite: an undergraduate or graduate level course in children or young adult literature.

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