Mar 10, 2025  
2016 - 2017 Graduate Bulletin 
2016 - 2017 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

HPC 6900 - Internship (1-18)

When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer Session
Advanced students in counselor education will have supervised experiences in specific functions of the counselor education field in a public school system, post-secondary institution, or other appropriate agency. In addition to those listed below, other specific experiences will be developed and approved by the student and the student’s advisory committee. May be taken up to a total of eighteen semester hours with permission of the departmental chair. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisite: prior approval of the departmental chair.

Internship in Professional School Counseling: Practice in the application of skills used in counseling elementary/middle/secondary school youth. Setting to be decided upon in consultation with the internship supervisor. A minimum of 600 clock hours of work (full-time) as a counselor in the school will be required. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisites: HPC 5140 , HPC 5210 , HPC 5220 , HPC 5225 , HPC 5310 , HPC 5754 , HPC 5790 , HPC 5900 , HPC 6620 /PSY 6620 , admission to candidacy, and approval of the departmental chair.

Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling: On-the-job experience will be emphasized through placement of students in appropriate human service agencies. Includes practice in the counseling and other helping skills used in various agencies. Available primarily for Clinical Mental Health Counseling majors. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisites: HPC 5120 , HPC 5220 , HPC 5225 , HPC 5752 , HPC 5790 , HPC 5900 , HPC 6451  and approval of departmental chairperson.

Internship in College Student Development: On-the-job experience will be emphasized through placement of students in specific student development functions/offices either on the ASU campus or in another area post-secondary institution. Available primarily for college student development majors. Graded on an S/U basis. Prerequisites: HPC 5410 , HPC 5900  (Practicum in College Student Development) and/or HPC 5900  (Practicum in Counseling), and prior approval of the departmental chair.

Internship in Marriage and Family Therapy (3+3+6).F;S;SS.: Supervised practice in the application of skills used in systemic individual, couple and family therapy. Open only to marriage and family therapy majors. Graded on an S/U basis. Prior approval of the departmental chair.
Prerequisite: prior approval of the departmental chair.