Mar 06, 2025
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIO 4552 - Entomology (4) [WID] When Offered: Fall. Even-numbered years. GEN ED: Junior Writing in the Discipline (WID). A study of the insects, including anatomy, physiology and function, with a special emphasis on the ecological roles of insects and their interactions with other organisms. Evolutionary relationships with related arthropods are also covered. Basic taxonomy of the major insect groups is addressed with required excursions into the field and an insect collection, which teaches collecting and preservation techniques. Students investigate insects through essays, a research paper and oral presentations. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours. Prerequisites: R C 2001 or its equivalent, BIO 1801 for non-Biology majors, BIO 1802 for Biology majors.