Sep 16, 2024
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SD 3750 - Decolonizing Technologies (3) [WID] When Offered: On Demand GEN ED: Junior Writing in the Discipline (WID) This course examines how technological developments in the domains of energy, food and agriculture, security, and resource governance shape and are in turn shaped by environment, politics, and society. We survey a range of controversial modern technologies and ask how, if, and under what conditions they may ameliorate or exacerbate the climate crisis and other socio-ecological crises. We also examine the potential for society-technology interfaces to reproduce or to disrupt patriarchy and settler colonialism and consider the need for decolonizing technologies. Through a pedagogy shaped by feminist and postcolonial methodologies and insights from science and technology studies, this course highlights contributions of Indigenous Peoples, women, and communities of color to the development of science and technology that the dominant scientific paradigm tends to obscure. Prerequisites: RC 2001 or its equivalent, and junior standing or permission of the instructor.