Mar 06, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

PHY 3160 - Introduction to Geophysics (3)

When Offered: Spring
An introductory survey of whole earth geophysics through theory and practice. The theory portion of the course covers seismology (techniques in reflection and refraction seismology), geothermics, radioactive dating, surface processes, tectonics, orogenics, gravity and gravimetric techniques, electrical and magnetic surveys, and borehole logging. The practical component of the course includes the utilization of several of these methods to study subsurface environments. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours.
Prerequisites OR corequisites: one introductory geology course (GES 1101 , GES 1102 , GES 1103 , GES 1104 , or GES 1105 ) plus PHY 1103  (or PHY 1150 ), and MAT 1110 , or permission of the instructor.
(Same as GES 3160 .)