2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ANT 4276 - Capstone: Experimental Ethnography (3) When Offered: Spring; Alternate years GEN ED: Capstone Experience This course offers a theoretical, historical, and practice-based forum for understanding how anthropologists have translated the fieldwork experience into text, but also images, sound, theater, performance, and other non-traditional forms. “Ethnography” has always been an experimental arena wherein anthropologists work out what to do with the material gathered during the prolonged encounter that is long-term fieldwork. This course works with an expansive horizon of theoretical trajectories and multimedia practices considered “experimental” within the domain of social sciences with special attention to currents in anthropology’s intersection with art, underground subcultures, and revolutionary movements. This is a theory-driven course where students who have developed projects with faculty across the sub-fields in Anthropology will be given the opportunity produce new media projects in the Ethnography Lab. Students who have previously received credit for ANT 4275 may not enroll in or receive credit for ANT 4276. Prerequisites: ANT 2215 , ANT 2221 , ANT 2230 , ANT 3625 .