Mar 02, 2025  
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Art

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Clifton Meador, Chair
Jim A. Toub, Assistant Chair

A. Bailey Arend Brooke Hofsess Ila S. Prouty
Eli Bentor Kevin R. Howell Thomas M. Reeves
Brian E. Bookwalter Jeana E. Klein Alyssia J. Ruggiero
Andrew Caldwell John S. Latimer Jody M. Servon
John R. Craft Hui Chi Lee John Stephenson
Christopher M. Curtin Taekyeon Lee Lisa M. Stinson
April V. Flanders Scott P. Ludwig Tricia Treacy
Frankie Flood Maurice Meilleur Mira Waits
George B. Glisan (Ara) Ed Midgett Heather L. Waldroup
Michael Grady Gary M. Nemcosky Joshua White
Victoria Grube Mark L. Nystrom Chip Williams
Yu-Ju Wu    


The purposes of the Department of Art are: (1) to provide instruction and to promote co-curricular activities which prepare students for careers in the visual arts such as teaching, exhibitions, graphic design, photography, the graphic arts, or an arts related field such as arts management; (2) to provide instruction and training in the intellectual and technical skills necessary for design and studio art production; (3) to promote informed understanding of the value of art and design in contemporary and in historical cultures; (4) to cultivate students’ abilities to think creatively and critically when both producing and responding to visual art; (5) to provide instruction and co-curricular activities in the visual arts as a component of the general education program; and (6) to contribute creative work and scholarship to the University community, the arts professions and to society in general.

Admission into Majors in the Department of Art

The following degree programs require a portfolio review: BA in Art and Visual Culture with a concentration in Studio Art, BFA in Studio Art, BFA in Graphic Design and the BFA in Art Education (K-12).

The following degree programs do not require a portfolio review: BA in Art and Visual Culture with concentrations in Art History and Art Management.

The Department of Art seeks to enroll the most capable and motivated young artists and designers in its degree programs. Admission is limited and highly competitive. The portfolio indicates the student’s preparedness for entry into the department’s rigorous and demanding studio-based curricula. It shows the applicant’s aptitude for visual expression and demonstrates technical skills that have been acquired in the art and design.

Portfolio review by the Department of Art is independent of the University Admissions process. Portfolios are reviewed three times each year - on the last Wednesday of October and March and the first Wednesday in July. Artwork in any media may be included in the portfolio. Details for portfolio submission are available on the department website:

Students without a portfolio or those who do not pass the review are encouraged to enroll in studio classes that will assist them in developing their portfolios prior to a second portfolio submission. It is recommended that students apply to the review during or at the end of the first year.

Students who have successfully passed the portfolio receive priority enrollment in all art classes including all 1000 and 2000 level studio classes. Portfolio approval is a key requirement for declaring a major in Art and for enrolling in intermediate and advanced studio courses.

Applicants to the degree program in Art Management and Art History are not required to submit a portfolio in order to declare a major in these areas. Should a declared Art Minor wish to change to major in one of the areas mentioned above, and thereby gain access to upper division courses, the portfolio requirement would be in effect.

Newly admitted freshmen and transfer students are strongly advised to attend the Department of Art meeting scheduled during freshmen and transfer orientation sessions where additional important information is given to all prospective art majors.

GRAPHIC DESIGN CANDIDACY PORTFOLIO REVIEW (For admittance into the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design): Art majors seeking the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design must submit their work to the candidacy portfolio review in order to gain entrance into the BFA Graphic Design program. This second review usually occurs during a student’s third semester at Appalachian (possibly earlier for transfer students), after the Department of Art’s Portfolio Review and completion of ART 1001 , ART 1002 , ART 1003 ; ART 1102 ; ART 2102 ; and either ART 2030  or ART 2130 . Students seeking the BFA degree in Graphic Design must pass the candidacy portfolio review before taking any 3000 level studio course. Students who do not pass this review may use their earned art credits as electives or as requirements towards another degree in art or towards a minor in art. Students may also repeat courses and/or continue to take 2000 level studio courses and then re-submit their work one time only to the candidacy portfolio review. The candidacy portfolio review takes place on Reading Day at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

Computer requirement: Students who pass the Graphic Design Candidacy Portfolio Review are required to have a laptop computer and software that meets minimum graphic design program specifications. The Art Department will make a certain number of “loaner” computers available to students who demonstrate extreme financial need.

Students majoring in art must make a minimum grade of “C” (2.0) in each required art course. Courses stipulated as prerequisites for subsequent art courses must be successfully completed with a grade of “C” or higher before continuing to the next level of course work.

Sophomore Portfolio Review for Commercial Photography Students

Students majoring in Commercial Photography must successfully complete a sophomore portfolio review before registering for 3000 and 4000-level Commercial Photography coursework.

  1. Commercial Photography majors must complete or be currently enrolled in the following courses before submitting a sophomore portfolio: PHO 1022, 2022, 2032 and 2052.
  2. After the return from mid-term break each semester a call for portfolios will be made. Eligible students may submit a portfolio of 10-12 images representing their best work, including one series of 3-4 related images. The portfolio must also contain a brief (less than one page) statement which states the students’ interests and goals for their future in commercial photography.
    The sophomore portfolios will be evaluated by a panel of Commercial Photography faculty and judged on the following criteria:
    1. Effective use of design
    2. Compositional strength
    3. Effective use of camera controls
    4. Lighting control or understanding of lighting factors.
  3. Students who do not pass the sophomore portfolio review will be required to pursue one or more of these steps:
    1. Consult with a Commercial Photography faculty member to determine a plan for improvement of student’s work.
    2. Take action identified in the consultation to build skills and knowledge, thus creating work for resubmission.
    3. Resubmit a portfolio in the same or subsequent semester.

Honors Program in Art

The Department of Art offers honors courses to students who have a minimum overall GPA of 3.45 in art courses and/or are nominated by a faculty member, and are invited by the Art Honors Committee. Qualified non-majors may enroll in art honors courses. However, to graduate with “honors in art” a student must be an art major who has completed at least nine semester hours of work in departmental honors courses. Three of the semester hours taken must include ART 4510, Senior Honors Thesis. Students must earn a grade of ‘B’ (3.0 grade points) or higher on all honors coursework taken to fulfill any honors requirements.


    Bachelor of ScienceBachelor of ArtsBachelor of Fine ArtsMinor


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