2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Reich College of Education
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Melba C. Spooner, Dean
Nickolas Jordan, Associate Dean
Monica A. Lambert, Associate Dean
The Reich College of Education (RCOE) exists to prepare graduates for outstanding service to the public in the fields of education and human services. This preparation includes a broad range of degree programs at the Baccalaureate, Master’s, Specialist, and Doctoral levels, as well as licensure and certification programs.
The faculty and staff of the Reich College of Education (RCOE) are committed to preparing our students to understand and serve the communities in which they will work, with a particular emphasis on global engagement, intercultural diversity, and issues of social justice. We view ourselves as a collaborative community of practice that promotes excellence in teaching, learning, research, scholarship, and outreach. We strive to develop professionals who are knowledgeable in their fields, responsive to the needs of others, embrace a reflective approach to their practice, and actively work to establish and sustain ethical and caring working environments. We also embrace new forms of teaching and learning and the applications of emerging technologies central to education in the 21st century and beyond.
The Reich College of Education seeks to maintain a cooperative, forward-thinking posture, with emphasis on:
- Providing programs of rigor and excellence that challenge its faculty and students to do their best
- Creating bold initiatives that recognize emerging societal needs with new programs, teaching strategies, and technologies that will keep it on the frontiers of knowledge
- Supporting the integration of multi-cultural and global orientations in all program areas
- Seeking to further define and deliver a comprehensive body of knowledge suitable for each of its majors
- Engaging in an active program of exchange and interchange with its varied publics
- Continuing to develop a faculty that seeks excellence in its teaching, breadth in its service, and creativity in its scholarship and research
The Reich College of Education has primary responsibility for the preparation of child development B-K, elementary, middle grades, and Career Technical Education Teachers, as well as teachers in special subject areas including library media coordinators, reading teachers, special educators, supervisors, instructional technology specialists, counselors, teachers of higher education, administrators for the public schools and institutions of higher education, child care professionals, and related human development specialists for community agencies. One goal of the college is to provide an efficient delivery system of preservice and inservice preparation to individuals pursuing a career in any of the above listed areas. Additionally, the college houses the Mathematics and Science Education Center and the National Center for Developmental Education. The College collaborates with other colleges at the University in the preparation of K-12 teachers of music, health and physical education, art and secondary teachers.
The Reich College of Education consists of the following departments:
Curriculum and Instruction
Family and Child Studies
Human Development and Psychological Counseling
Leadership and Educational Studies
Reading Education and Special Education
Adult Basic Skills Professional Development (ABSPD)
ABSPD works to improve the quality of basic reading, writing, math, and technology skills by training basic skills trainers, administrators, and instructors throughout the state. ABSPD provides a professional development structure upon which all North Carolina community college basic skills instructors can build a successful literacy program.
ABSPD also provides professional development for community-based literacy organizations, publication of training manuals, production of CD-ROMs and videos, and numerous workshops throughout the state.
James Center for Appalachian Educators
The James Center for Appalachian Educators, named after Steve and Judy James, serves teacher education majors at Appalachian State University. We provide information for prospective students, professional development opportunities, and services for current students. Our learning communities include the Appalachian Community of Education Scholars (ACES) and Transfer Educators. ACES is a group of dedicated future teachers who live together their first two years and participate in leadership and service opportunities. Transfer Educators are a similar group of future teachers who are transfer students.
The James Center is located on the fifth floor of the College of Education. Our staff also advises the Appalachian Educators club, which is one of the most active clubs on campus. We host campus visits, Open Houses, and Freshmen Preview Day for prospective students, as well hosting events for current students. We offer advising and support for all education majors from the moment they arrive on campus during Orientation until they are our guests at a Graduation Reception at Commencement.
Mathematics and Science Education Center
Phillip E. Johnson, Director
The Appalachian Mathematics and Science Education Center is one of several centers in the University of North Carolina System. The mission of the center is to improve the quality and quantity of mathematics and science teachers in the state. Consequently, the ASU Center offers courses, workshops, institutes, and conferences, both on campus and at various sites throughout the region for teachers and for students preparing to teach.
The Center, located in the College of Education Building, houses a vast array of science and mathematics materials which can be checked out and used not only by Appalachian faculty and area public school teachers, but by students as well. Science and mathematics manipulative kits, journals, video tapes, DVDs, textbooks, and models are available for use by students enrolled in methods classes or who are student teaching. Appalachian faculty and students are welcome to come in and browse through the Center’s materials.
National Center for Developmental Education
Hunter Reed Boylan, Director
The Center is the nation’s primary resource for information, training and research in the field of developmental education. Developmental education is concerned with the learning and human development needs of academically underprepared students attending colleges and universities. Each year hundreds of postsecondary educators take advantage of Center services.
The National Center for Developmental Education, located on the fourth floor of the Education Building, offers a variety of resources and services to college and university personnel throughout the United States who are concerned with the educational needs of academically underprepared college students.
The Center resources include a specialized library and a computerized network linking persons from across the nation knowledgeable in the ways of teaching, counseling and motivating underprepared students. The Center offers conferences, workshops and seminars for practitioners in the field; conducts research, and works closely with the Department of Leadership and Educational Studies in the implementation of the graduate programs in developmental education. The Center also sponsors the Kellogg Institute for the Training and Certification of Developmental Educators, which provides advanced training to selected professionals from across the United States. In addition, the Center publishes the leading periodical in the field, the Journal of Developmental Education, as well as a bi-monthly newsletter, Research in Developmental Education. The Center also provides consultation and technical assistance to colleges and universities seeking to improve their programs and services to students with academic deficiencies.
The Reich College of Education offers the Bachelor of Science degree leading to teacher licensure in the fields of child development: birth through kindergarten( BK); elementary education (K-6); middle grades education (6-9) with concentrations in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies; special education with concentrations in adapted curriculum K-12, and general curriculum K-12; 9-12 licensure in business education with concentrations in business education, or business and marketing education; and family and consumer sciences, secondary education. The Reich College of Education works to assist other colleges by delivering licensure requirements in the Bachelor of Music degree with K-12 teacher licensure, the Bachelor of Science degree with teacher licensure (9-12) in English, secondary education; history, social studies education; technology education with concentrations in secondary education, or trade and industry; mathematics, secondary education; biology, secondary education; chemistry, secondary education; geology, secondary education; and physics, secondary education. The Reich College of Education also assists other colleges with the Bachelor of Science degree with K-12 teacher licensure in art education (K-12); languages, literatures, and cultures with concentrations in French and francophone studies, education (K-12) and Spanish, education (K-12); physical education teacher education (K-12) and teaching theatre arts (K-12). Non-teaching degrees offered through the Reich College of Education are: Bachelor of Science degree in Child Development (non-teaching) with a concentration in Family and Child Studies.
NOTE: Although the requirements for most degree programs at Appalachian can be met within the minimum of 122 semester hours, the student should be aware that certain programs of study require additional hours. Students are advised to check with the department of their intended major early in their studies. Meeting graduation requirements is the student’s responsibility.
Professional Core Curriculum Goals
Goals of the Reich College of Education’s Undergraduate Professional Core Curriculum are to develop prospective teachers who:
- Have the ability and desire to reason soundly, to communicate clearly, and to demonstrate critical reading, listening, and viewing skills
- Understand the organizational structure of knowledge about teaching and who can access that knowledge with current and emerging technologies
- Are reflective, professional decision makers
- Help students develop an integrated view of knowledge and reject narrow specialization and fragmentation
- Help students develop a concept of ethics and justice, and a desire to work towards eliminating injustices in schools and society
- Help students acquire respect for learning and compassion for people, especially students in their schools
- Are creative, reform minded individuals who possess the leadership ability and courage to have a direct impact on students and the school/community
- Obtain knowledge of learning theories
- Obtain knowledge of national and state programs and standards that will affect them as teachers in the twentieth century
- Understand childhood and the processes of social, cognitive, and physical dvelopment
- Understand the issues of technology and their impact on society
- Understand the social context of schooling and the complex relationship between schools and society
- Enter into the ongoing conversation about what the aims of education and schooling ought to be in a pluralistic democratic society
- Have the opportunity to understand and address the ethnical and professional issues of teaching in public schools in a democratic society
- Foster the intellectual and moral character necessary to become a thoughtful and effective teacher
- Understand the implications of student diversity for teaching and learning
- Understand and apply current and emerging technologies for instruction
Bachelor of Science Degree (with teacher licensure)
To earn the Bachelor of Science degree with teacher licensure, the following requirements must be met:
- Completion of at least 122 semester hours with a grade-point average of at least 2.70. A transfer student must have at least
- 2.70 grade-point average on all work at Appalachian.
- Completion of the general education requirements
- Demonstration of proficiency in reading, speech, and written English
- Completion of a major consisting of 24 to 56 semester hours from one of the fields listed below.
Art education (K-12) (BFA Degree)
Biology, secondary education
Chemistry, secondary education
Career & Technical Education with concentrations in Business, Finance and Information Technology, Business, Marketing and
Entrepreneurship, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Technology, Engineering and Design, and Trade and Industry.
Child development: birth through kindergarten
Elementary education
English, secondary education
Geology, secondary education
History, social studies education
Languages, literatures, and cultures with a concentration in French and francophone studies, education (K-12)
Languages, literatures, and cultures with a concentration in Spanish, education (K-12)
Mathematics, secondary education
Middle grades education (6-9) with concentrations in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies
Music education (K-12) [bachelor of music degree]
Health and Physical education teacher education (K-12)
Physics, secondary education
Special education with concentrations in adapted curriculum K-12 and general curriculum K-12
Teaching theatre arts (K-12) Elementary education
Physics, secondary education
Special education with concentrations in adapted curriculum K-12 and general curriculum K-12
A student must have at least a 2.70 grade-point average to be admitted to the teacher education program and must maintain a 2.70 grade-point average overall and a minimum 2.00 grade-point on all work in the major. Transfer students must have at least a 2.00 grade-point on all work at Appalachian in the major.
- Completion of the following 24 semester hours of professional education requirements:
C I 2300 - Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age (2)
Required prior to admission to teacher education.
FDN 2400 - Critical Perspectives on Learning and Teaching (2)
(Prerequisite or corequisite: CI 2300.) Required prior to admission to teacher education.
PSY 3010 - Psychology Applied to Teaching (3)
(Prerequisite or corequisite: CI 2300.) May be taken prior to or after admission to teacher education.
SPE 3300 - Creating Inclusive Learning Communities (3)
(Prerequisites: CI 2300, FDN 2400, PSY 3010) Admission to teacher education required.
C I 3400 - Policies and Practices in Educational Assessment (2)
(Prerequisites: CI 2300, FDN 2400, PSY 3010) Admission to teacher education required.
C I 4900 - Internship/Student Teaching (6-12)
(All courses in the professional core must be completed with grades of “C” (2.0) or higher prior to student teaching, along with other courses identified within the major that must be completed prior to student teaching.)
Professional courses in Reading+, and/or Methods*+, may be required in the major. The department advisor, departmental requirements, and major programs of study should also be consulted.
Elementary education, middle grades education, and health education (see program requirements in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction )
Special education (see program requirements in the Department of Reading Education and Special Education)
Child development (B-K) and Family and consumer sciences, secondary education (see program requirements in the Department of Family and Child Studies)
Secondary education (9-12): C I 2300 +#, FDN 2400 +#, PSY 3010 +, SPE 3300 +*, C I 3400 +*, C I 4900 *, and reading course+, methods course*+, and major courses as identified by major*+.
Special subject majors (K-12): C I 2300 +#, FDN 2400 +#, PSY 3010 +, SPE 3300 +*, C I 3400 +*, C I 4900 *, and reading course+, methods course*+, and major courses as identified by major*+.
Students must earn 12 semester hours credit for student teaching.
These courses may not be taken under the pass-fail grading system.
+ A grade of “C” (2.0) or higher must be made in each of these courses.
# Course must be taken prior to admission to teacher education.
* Admission to teacher education required before enrolling in these courses.
- Electives to complete a minimum of 122 semester hours
- Completion of residency requirements
- Compliance with regulations concerning the settlement of all expense accounts
- Recommendation of the faculty
- Take PRAXIS I Academic Skills Assessments: Reading, Writing and Mathematics (SAT and ACT scores may be used in lieu of PRAXIS I scores provided required minimum scores are met), and, if required in the student’s field, PRAXIS II Subject Assessment or Specialty Area test. (The North Carolina State Board of Education has designated PRAXIS II as the standard examination.) A table of minimum cut-off scores is available in the RCOE Dean’s Office (COE 400).
- Students majoring in elementary education (K-6); secondary education; middle grades education (6-9); or Health and Physical education, (K-12) are required to complete a second academic concentration.
Admission to Reich College of Education
- When students have completed at least 30 semester hours, including credit for RC 1000 or an equivalent course and credit for or current enrollment in UCO 1200 or an equivalent course, and have obtained at least a 2.0 GPA, they will be notified that they may officially declare their major. Students should have completed the speech prerequisite for admission to teacher education prior to declaring their major. After the major is declared, students’ academic and advisement records will be forwarded to the degree granting college. This also applies to transfer students.
- Students will be assigned an advisor in their major area. Students enrolled in the child development, elementary education, family and consumer sciences, middle grades education, health education, business education, or special education programs will be notified of their assigned advisor.
Admission to Undergraduate Teacher Education
To be admitted to a teacher education program, a student must make formal application to the Dean’s Office in the Reich College of Education. Applications are electronic and are available in the “student services” section of self-service. Students must have:
- Completed at least 45 semester hours.
- Earned a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.70 (a grade-point average of at least 2.70 must be maintained thereafter). Transfer students, including those with 45 or more semester hours, must earn a 2.7 cumulative GPA on a minimum of 12 semester hours of courses completed at Appalachian.
- Attained acceptable scores on PRAXIS: Academic Skills for educators (3 tests: Reading; Writing; and Mathematics) or, SAT or ACT scores in lieu of the PRAXIS. Minimum passing scores are set by the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction.
- Completed the Candidate for Professional Licensure form (CPL). This form is required by UNC’s General Administration and the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction to determine how many students are enrolled in licensure programs. The form is also used in initiating the licensure process.
- Completed CI 2300 and FDN 2400 with a “C” (2.0) or higher
- Completed the English proficiency and Reading proficiency as follows:
English proficiency: completion of RC 1000 with a 2.00 or better and successful completion of PRAXIS I: Writing with minimum scores set by state are required. (SAT and ACT scores may be used in lieu of PRAXIS I scores.)
Reading proficiency: successful completion of PRAXIS I: Reading with minimum scores set by state and a cumulative gradepoint average of at least 2.70 on a minimum of 45 s.h. Students transferring in 45 or more semester hours must earn a 2.70 cumulative GPA on a minimum of 12 s.h. at Appalachian. (SAT and ACT scores may be used in lieu of PRAXIS I scores.)
- Declaration of a second academic concentration (if a second academic concentration is required).
- Criminal background checks must be current (within previous six months) at the time of admission to teacher education.
- Grades of “I” (Incomplete) must be removed prior to admission to teacher education.
If all admission criteria are not met when the formal application to teacher education is made, the application will be returned to the student. Students will be formally notified if they are not accepted into the teacher education program.
Course Restrictions Prior to Admission
The progression of potential undergraduate candidates in teacher education programs is limited to introductory courses only until formal admission requirements have been satisfied. Formal admission to teacher education must occur at least one semester, excluding summer, prior to student teaching.
Students will be permitted to take only the following professional studies courses before being formally admitted to a teacher education program:
C I 2300 (2 s.h.)
FDN 2400 (2 s.h.)
PSY 3010 (3 s.h.)
Students must have taken and met minimum scores on PRAXIS I: Core Academic Skills (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) or, SAT or ACT (in lieu of testing); achieved a 2.70 GPA on 45 semester hours (transfer students must have achieved a 2.70 cumulative GPA on a minimum of 12 semester hours of courses completed at Appalachian); and established proficiencies in reading, English, and speech prior to being admitted to teacher education.
Students will not be allowed to proceed in teacher education beyond the above mentioned courses until all entrance requirements have been successfully completed. Students may not take SPE 3300 , C I 3400 , C I 4900 , SPE 4900 , methods courses or reading courses prior to admission to teacher education.
All freshmen will be advised in the University College Academic Advising Office. ALL teacher education students with majors housed in the Reich College of Education are assigned an advisor when a teacher education major is declared. All majors housed in other colleges are encouraged to seek advisement in their major department or in their college/school Dean’s Office. Advisement for majors housed in the Reich College of Education is mandatory and students will not be allowed to preregister until they have consulted with their advisor. Admission and licensure information is available from the Reich College of Education Dean’s Office (COE Building, Room 400). Advisement within the College is an ongoing process and generally proceeds with the following steps.
- All students entering Appalachian State University are required to attend an orientation session prior to registration. Students desiring to major in teacher education programs meet with representatives from the Reich College of Education. During the orientation meeting and throughout the advising process, students are informed of the probability of their success regarding admission to and continuation in a teacher education program within the University.
- All students in University College have mandatory advising with an advisor. A record of advising sessions is kept in the student’s folder while in the University College and after the student is admitted to a teacher education program.
- After moving from University College and officially declaring a teacher education major as a career goal, students will be assigned an advisor in their major.
- Elementary education, middle grades education, special education, business education, family and child studies, and child development students are required to meet with an advisor from the Reich College of Education.
- Secondary education (9-12), and special subject (K-12) majors, will meet with an advisor from their major department/college and their advisors will consult as needed with the RCOE Dean’s Office, COE Room 400.
- After being admitted to teacher education, students will be advised as follows:
- Reich College of Education majors will continue to be advised by an assigned advisor in the appropriate major within the college.
- Secondary education (9-12) and special subject (K-12) majors will continue to be advised by an advisor in their major department/college and, when needed, their advisors will consult with the Reich College of Education’s Dean’s Office.
As students move through their teacher education program, their progress will be carefully monitored by personnel in the Dean’s Office using the BANNER Student Information System and through the RCOE Assessment System.
Student Teaching
During the seventh or eighth semester, students who are taking undergraduate programs of study leading to teacher licensure will student teach for one semester. This work will consist of full-time teaching under the supervision of a competent and experienced teacher. Student teaching provides the student with a professional field experience in the appropriate area. There are no provisions to fulfill the student teaching requirement during the summer session. Students must be admitted to teacher education at least one semester, excluding summer, prior to student teaching and must have a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or higher to student teach.
Students will be notified in advance concerning their assignments. Student teaching assignments will conform to the local schools schedule and calendar.
Special field experience programs are required during the sophomore, junior and/or senior years. Information may be obtained from the appropriate departmental chair or program coordinator.
Students planning to take internships/practica should contact individual departments in the Reich College of Education to inquire about requirements and procedures for entering these experiences.
Conditions Prerequisite to Student Teaching
The following requirements must be met prior to student teaching:
- All proficiencies and professional education courses including reading and methods courses must have been completed satisfactorily with a grade of 2.00 or better. A cumulative GPA of 2.70 is required for student teaching.
- A student who has completed all prerequisites for student teaching will be unconditionally placed. Others may be tentatively placed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. However, no student will be permitted to begin student teaching unless all prerequisites have been satisfied. Students must be fully admitted to teacher education at least one semester, excluding summer, prior to student teaching. Students will not be eligible for student teaching if cumulative GPA is less than 2.70.
- Prior to student teaching, elementary education majors must have satisfactorily (2.0 or higher) completed: C I 2300 , FDN 2400 , PSY 3010 , SPE 3300 , C I 3400 , C I 3110 , R E 3030 , R E 4030 , C I 4000 , C I 4030 , C I 4401 , C I 3750 , HED 3645 , HPE 3556 , ENG 3240 /R E 3240 , MAT 3030 /C I 3030 , MAT 2030 , C I 3000 /SPE 3000 , C I 3015 /FDN 3015 , ART 3021 or C I 3021 or MUS 2024 or THR 3856. Students must also complete HIS 2201 or HIS 2204 and GHY 3013 or HIS 3728 prior to student teaching. Students must refer to departmental requirements for additional prerequisites for student teaching.
- Prior to student teaching, middle grades education majors must have satisfactorily (2.0 or higher) completed C I 2300 , FDN 2400 , PSY 3010 , SPE 3300 , C I 3400 , C I 3900 , C I 3910 , C I 3920 , C I 4300 , C I 4480 , C I 4490 , and two (2) required methods courses. Students must refer to departmental requirements for additional prerequisites for student teaching.
- Prior to student teaching, child development (B-K) majors must have satisfactorily (2.0 or higher) completed C I 2300 , FDN 2400 , PSY 3010 , SPE 3300 , C I 3400 , R E 3902 , and a GPA of at least 2.5 for required methods courses, and other major requirements prerequisite for student teaching.
- Prior to student teaching, secondary majors (9-12) must have satisfactorily (2.0 or higher) completed C I 2300 , FDN 2400 , PSY 3010 , SPE 3300 , C I 3400 , and required reading and methods courses. Secondary majors must refer to departments for additional prerequisites for student teaching. English majors are required to take R E 4620 in lieu of R E 4630 .
- Special subject (K-12) students (art, music, health and physical education, foreign languages, and special education) must have satisfactorily (2.0 or higher) completed prior to student teaching: C I 2300 , FDN 2400 , PSY 3010 , SPE 3300 , C I 3400 and required reading and methods courses. Also, special subject students must refer to departmental requirements for additional prerequisites for student teaching.
- Each applicant must agree to student teach full-time for one semester.
- Students seeking multiple licensures must make particular arrangements with the Director of Field Experiences to meet student teaching requirements.
Steps in Application for Student Teaching
- Students must have been fully admitted to the Reich College of Education’s teacher education program at least one semester, excluding summers, prior to student teaching, and must have met all student teaching prerequisites before they will be allowed to student teach. (See the appropriate section of this catalog for specifics.) Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or higher to student teach.
- Those students planning to student teach in either the fall or spring semesters of a given academic year must attend the student teaching orientation meeting one academic year prior to their actual placement. Contact the Office of Field Experiences for date, time, and location of the meeting.
- Students attending the orientation meeting will receive:
- Copies of application for student teaching forms; students must complete the student teaching application online at www.ced.appstate.edu/students/teaching/
- A copy of the teacher education-information sheet. This sheet lists the requirements for admittance to the teacher education program, requirements in the teacher education program and prerequisite courses for student teaching. Note: The application forms must be completed by the student and returned to the Office of Field Experiences, COE Room 400.
- Information regarding criminal background checks
- Additional information presented at the orientation meeting will include:
- Identification of possible geographic placement areas
- Identification of student teacher supervisors within each placement area
- General procedures/rules concerning placement, course prerequisites, and advising procedures. Students having questions concerning particular student teaching situations should contact the Director of Field Experiences in the College of Education Building, Room 400.
Teacher Licensure
All Appalachian State University teacher education programs have received appropriate approval by the State Board of Education and lead to North Carolina teacher licensure. Licensure is a function of the state through the Department of Public Instruction. Students must meet all requirements of the state as the final step in the licensure process.
Persons who desire to receive teacher licensure from Appalachian and who are college graduates with non-teaching degrees, those who are lateral entry, and those who wish to be licensed in a second teaching area must make formal application to the Office of the Dean of the Reich College of Education. As part of the licensure only student application process, students will indicate types and areas of any licensure they hold and the area and level in which they desire licensure. Completed transcripts of all previous college credit must accompany the application. No licensure commitments will be made by the University until completed application and transcripts have been received and reviewed by the chair of the involved academic department and by the Associate Dean’s Office of the Reich College of Education and the student accepted as a licensure only student. A person seeking such licensure must meet criteria for admission to teacher education (see note below regarding 2.70 GPA), the same or comparable licensure requirements, and demonstrate proficiencies required of regular Appalachian State University teacher education degree seeking students and students seeking similar licensure. Students who do not, at time of baccalaureate degree, have a minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.70 (on a 4.0 scale) must pass the Praxis I tests (or use SAT or ACT scores in lieu of Praxis I tests) and have one of the following:
- GPA of 3.0 in the major field of study
- GPA of 3.0 on all work completed in the senior year or
- GPA of 3.0 on a minimum of 12 semester hours beyond their undergraduate degree which must be taken at Appalachian
In order to enter as a licensure only student, recommended deadlines for application and supporting documentation are:
- for Fall Semester, JULY 1
- for Spring Semester, NOVEMBER 1
- for Summer Session I, APRIL 1
- for Summer Session II, MAY 1
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