2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Theatre and Dance
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Michael Helms, Chair
Sue Williams, Assistant Chair
Full Faculty Listing
The Department of Theatre and Dance prepares students to pursue paths that may include professional careers in the performing arts, graduate school, teacher certification in theatre, or interdisciplinary/avocational interests in theatre and dance. Classroom learning is enhanced by the department’s commitment to an active co-curricular performance/production program that features the creative work of faculty and students. New and published works are created in the Appalachian Dance Ensemble, the Appalachian Young People’s Touring Theatre, the University Theatre, and through collaborations within the university and with professional partners.
The department strives to maintain working relationships with professional performing organizations and performing groups, providing students with opportunities for internships, performing opportunities and creative collaborations. The department maintains association agreements with several theatre and dance related student organizations that encourage development of student leadership and service.
Admission and Requirements for the BA degrees in the Department of Theatre and Dance
- The Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance Studies is open to any student who has been admitted to Appalachian State University. An overall GPA of 2.0 is required in the major.
- The Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Arts with a concentration in General Theatre is open to any student who has been admitted to Appalachian State University. An overall 2.0 GPA is required in the major.
- The Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Education is open to any student who has been admitted to Appalachian State University. An overall GPA of 2.0 is required in the major; a cumulative GPA of 2.7 is required for teacher licensure.
- The Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Arts with a concentration in Performance is open to students who have successfully interviewed with the performance faculty. A current performance resume, an 8x10 headshot, and a brief written statement expressing major goals in performance are required for the interview. The student may be asked to perform a two-minute audition if the performance faculty is not familiar with the student’s acting work. The student must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.7 in the (*) designated major courses as noted on the program of study for this concentration. The student must pass a juried audition and interview at the end of each year to determine the student’s ability to successfully continue in the Performance concentration.
- The Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Arts with a concentration in Theatre Design/Technology is open to students through an interview with the design/technology faculty. Once admitted to Appalachian or during the first year of residence, the student should fill out an application form and submit it along with a current production resume. The student will be asked to present a design and/or technical portfolio.The student must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.7 in the (*) designated major courses as noted on the program of study for this concentration. The student must successfully complete a portfolio review and interview each year to determine the student’s ability to continue in the Theatre Design/Technology concentration. Failure to do so could result in the student being dropped from the concentration. Requirements for the portfolio review can be found on the department website at theatreanddance.appstate.edu/academics/degrees/theatre-arts/ba-designtechnology.
Honors Program in Dance Studies
The Department of Theatre and Dance provides the opportunity for highly qualified students to graduate with honors in Dance Studies. Applicants for the departmental honors program must have completed 30 semester hours including 6 semester hours in Dance Studies with an overall GPA of 3.45. Admission into the Dance Studies honors program is by application to, and recommendation of, the departmental honors committee. Space in the track is limited, and not all students meeting the application criteria may be accepted into the track.
In order to graduate with honors in Dance Studies, a student must maintain an overall GPA and a GPA in Dance Studies courses of 3.5 or better. The student must satisfactorily complete an honors contract (made between the student and the professor teaching the course) in two of the following courses: DAN 3430 , DAN 3435 , DAN 4460 , SSU 4480 , DAN 4870 or other approved DAN course(s) at the 3000 or 4000 level. Additionally, all Dance Studies honors students must complete DAN 4510 , an honors thesis/project. The honors thesis/project must include a primary dance studies professor and a secondary professor from outside the department as a secondary advisor. An honors student must make a grade of no less than “B” in any of their selected nine semester hours of departmental Honors-designated courses.
Note: The honors program in Dance Studies requires a minimum of three semesters to complete. Honors courses in Dance Studies are not offered during summer sessions.
Honors Program in Theatre Arts
The Department of Theatre and Dance provides the opportunity for highly qualified students to graduate with honors in Theatre Arts. Applicants for the departmental honors program must have completed 30 semester hours including 6 semester hours in Theatre Arts with an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher. Admission to the Theatre Arts honors program is by application to, and recommendation of, the departmental theatre honors committee. Space in the program is limited, and not all students meeting the application criteria may be accepted into the program. In order to graduate with honors in Theatre Arts, a student must maintain an overall
GPA and a GPA in Theatre Arts courses of 3.5 or higher. The student must satisfactorily complete an honors contract (made between the student and the professor teaching the course) in two 3 s.h. THR courses at the 3000 or 4000 level and complete 1 s.h. THR 4509 Senior Honors Thesis/Project Preparation and 2 s.h. THR 4510 Senior Honors Thesis/Project. The honors thesis/project must include a primary theatre professor as an advisor and another professor as a secondary advisor. Additionally, a student must earn a minimum grade of “B” (3.0) in any of their selected 9 hours of departmental honors designated courses to graduate with honors in Theatre Arts.
ProgramsMajorMinorCoursesDanceSomatic SustainabilityTheatrePage: 1
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