2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin
Hayes School of Music
James R. Douthit, Dean
Dr. Soo Goh, Associate Dean (Academic Affairs)
Dr. Christine Leist, Associate Dean (Student and Faculty Success)
Full Faculty Listing
The Hayes School of Music is a full member of the National Association of Schools of Music. The requirements set forth in this catalog are in accordance with the published regulations of the National Association of Schools of Music.
The Hayes School of Music sees as its objective the development of those elements which relate to teaching, creation, business and appreciation of music, and to the use of music as a healing tool. The teaching objective is partially realized through those curricula leading to state licensure in either general music education, choral music education, or instrumental music education, and performance, and through the undergraduate curricula designed to accommodate those who desire to be private studio teachers or church musicians. The creative objective is satisfied by any of the performance programs along with those opportunities which are available for prospective composers. The business objective relates to those who desire to combine music with the numerous aspects of the music business. The healing potential of music is explored through therapeutic applications of the art in a variety of clinical settings. The school also makes every effort to fulfill its role as the prime purveyor of music for the University and the surrounding community by presenting numerous performances by soloists and ensembles along with music courses of a general nature which may be of interest to the non-musician.
NOTE: Although the requirement for most degree programs at Appalachian can be met within the minimum of 122 semester hours, the student should be aware that certain programs of study require additional hours. Students are advised to check with the department of their intended major early in their studies. Meeting graduation requirements is the student’s responsibility.
Admission Requirements
The Hayes School of Music offers the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, and Master of Music Therapy degrees. In cooperation with the Reich College of Education, it offers the Bachelor of Music in music education.
To be admitted to the Hayes School of Music as a candidate for a baccalaureate degree, a student must have:
- Auditioned and been accepted by the Dean of the Hayes School of Music as a major
- Completed at least 30 semester hours
- A grade-point average of at least 2.0, which must be maintained
- Obtained credit for R_C 1000 or an equivalent course and obtained credit for or be currently enrolled in UCO 1200 or an equivalent course
- Students moving from University College to the degree granting school must see the dean or assistant/associate dean of the Hayes School of Music for the purpose of being assigned a faculty advisor
A student who is a candidate for a teaching license must be admitted to the teacher education program through the office of the dean in the Reich College of Education.
The Hayes School of Music considers student advisement one of its most important responsibilities and priorities. Through the dean’s office, each student is assigned a faculty advisor who is committed to offering accurate and appropriate advisement. The student is encouraged to make regular appointments with the advisor. The Hayes School of Music provides a graduation check for all majors during the semester immediately preceding the student’s last semester. We urge all students in the School of Music to avail themselves of this service. Meeting graduation requirements is the student’s responsibility.
Repeating Music Theory and Aural Skills Courses
Each Music Theory and Aural Skills course (Music Theory I-V, Aural Skills I-IV, and Contemporary Musicianship) may be taken a maximum of three times (one initial unsuccessful attempt followed by two retakes). Withdrawal past the initial 5-day Drop/Add period counts as an attempt. Unsuccessful completion of any course within the three-attempt limit will require the student to seek admission to an alternative degree program outside the Hayes School of Music.
Independent Study
Students intending to pursue independent study in the Hayes School of Music are reminded of the existence of deadline dates for applying for independent study. For information and details pertaining to independent study procedures established by the school, contact the dean or assistant dean of the Hayes School of Music.
Students majoring in programs in the Hayes School of Music are not permitted to take any course on the pass/fail option that is a general education, major, minor, or professional requirement.
Bachelor of Music Degree
In order for a student to earn the Bachelor of Music degree in the Hayes School of Music, the following requirements must be met.
- Completion of at least 122 semester hours with a grade-point average of at least 2.00. A transfer student must have at least a 2.00 grade-point average on all work at Appalachian. Teacher licensure programs require a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA from admission into the teacher education program until graduation including for admission to student teaching.
- Completion of general education requirements
- Completion of a major in one of the following fields: Music Education; Music Therapy; Music Performance: Composition/Theory, Sacred Music, Instrument or Voice
- A student must have at least a 2.00 grade-point average on all work in the major. Transfer students must complete at least eighteen semester hours of work in their major at Appalachian and must have at least a 2.00 grade-point average on all work in the major at Appalachian.
Specific requirements for each major preface the list of courses offered by the School of Music.
- Completion of professional education courses (music education majors only)
For the requirements in teacher education, refer to the Reich College of Education section in this catalog.
- Completion of electives to total at least 122 semester hours
- Completion of residency requirements
- Compliance with regulations concerning the settlement of all expense accounts
- Recommendation of the faculty
Bachelor of Science Degree
In order for a student to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in the Hayes School of Music, the following requirements must be met.
- Completion of at least 125 semester hours with a grade-point average of at least 2.00. A transfer student must have at least a 2.00 grade-point average on all work at Appalachian.
- Completion of general education requirements
- Completion of a major in the following field: Music Industry Studies
A student must have at least a 2.00 grade-point average on all work in the major. Transfer students must complete at least eighteen semester hours of work in their major at Appalachian and must have at least a 2.00 grade-point average on all work in the major at Appalachian.
Specific requirements for each major preface the list of courses offered by the Hayes School of Music.
- Completion of a minor consisting of 18 semester hours. Transfer students must complete at least nine semester hours in their minor at Appalachian. Specific requirements for each minor preface the list of courses offered by the Hayes School of Music.
- Completion of electives to total 125 semester hours
- Completion of residency requirements
- Compliance with regulations concerning the settlement of all expense accounts
- Recommendation of the faculty
Opportunities are available for students to become involved in internships associated with the Hayes School of Music. These internships provide students with on-the-job experiences in many areas of endeavor and allow them to earn academic credit which is applicable toward their degree. Students interested in pursuing this valuable educational opportunity should contact either their advisor or the student internship office. Consult the catalog statement which describes the student internship program.
Entrance Requirements for Freshmen and Transfer Students
An audition in the principal or major performing area is required of all incoming music majors. Should the appropriate performance level not be met, those students who are deficient will be required to do remedial applied music study until the proper level has been attained. Students interested in pursuing degrees in the areas of music therapy, composition/theory, music industry studies, and music education have additional admission requirements. For further information concerning these requirements, consult the Area Coordinator in the Hayes School of Music.
Entrance Requirements for Graduate Students
As appropriate to their individual program choice, all entering graduate music majors will demonstrate by examination their understanding and achievement levels in music theory, music history and literature, applied performance, conducting and score reading, and music education where it applies. Any deficiency noted may require courses or individual study in the area of the deficiency prior to admission to candidacy for the degree.
Applied Music
Applied music majors and principals are required to take a jury examination before the faculty in their applied area at the end of each semester. The jury functions as an advisory group as far as the applied music grade is concerned. Students will also be evaluated as to the level they have attained at the end of each semester. The level of achievement required in order to complete an applied music major or principal in the various areas is as follows:
Music Industry Studies Level II
Music Education Level IV
Music Therapy Level III
Sacred Music Level VI
Composition and Theory Level IV
Vocal or Instrumental Level VIII
All music majors in the education and performance curricula will further demonstrate satisfactory proficiency in their major or principal performing medium by presenting, during the senior year, either an individual recital or a joint program with no more than three participants. Students pursuing the sacred music, vocal, or instrumental performance degree are required to present a recital during the junior year.
Students presenting recitals which are used to fulfill departmental requirements must be students of applied music faculty members in the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University at the time of the recital.
Piano Proficiency
Piano proficiency is required of music education, music therapy, vocal performance, and composition/theory majors. Proficiency is demonstrated through satisfactory completion of the piano proficiency examination independently or as the final examination in MUS 2041 (Advanced Piano Class II). Students who have not satisfied the piano proficiency requirement should be enrolled in class piano the first semester of enrollment in the Hayes School of Music and remain enrolled in the class piano sequence until proficiency requirements are satisfied. Proficiency must be completed prior to student teaching (music education), internship (music therapy), and graduation (vocal performance, composition/theory).
Admission to the Bachelor of Music in Music Education program
In order to be admitted to the Music Education degree program, a student must earn a grade of “C” or better in MUS 2034 and complete all semesters with a satisfactory grade of “S” in MUS 1500 . Teacher licensure programs require a minimum 2.7 cumulatice GPA from admission into the teacher education program until graduation, including for admission to student teaching.
Students must be admitted to the Music Education degree program prior to enrolling in MUS 3020 , MUS 3021 , MUS 3022 , MUS 3031 , MUS 3032 , MUS 3023 , MUS 3034 , MUS 3037 , MUS 3038 , MUS 3902 , MUS 3903 , MUS 4030 , and MUS 4610 .
Recitals and Concerts
The Hayes School of Music presents a large and varied number of solo and ensemble programs through the year. Other programs are regularly brought to the University through the Performing Arts Series. Students are required to attend ten recitals/concerts per semester. All music majors are required to register for and successfully complete MUS 1500 (Performance Seminar) each semester
Music majors, whether declared or proposed majors, are required to be enrolled in and successfully complete an appropriate ensemble each semester in which they are full-time students. No music major will be allowed to participate in more than three ensembles in any semester in which they are full-time students.
ProgramsBachelor of ScienceBachelor of Music- Music Education - Choral Music Education (K-12) Concentration, BM
- Music Education - General Music Education (K-12) Concentration, BM
- Music Education - Instrumental Music Education (K-12) Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Composition and Theory Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Bassoon Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Cello Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Clarinet Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Euphonium Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Flute Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/French Horn Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Guitar Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Harp Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Oboe Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Organ Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Percussion Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Piano Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Saxophone Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/String Bass Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Trombone Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Trumpet Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Tuba Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Viola Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrument/Violin Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Instrumental/Voice Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Jazz Concentration, BM
- Music Performance - Sacred Music Concentration, BM
- Music Therapy, BM
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