Feb 11, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Reading Education and Special Education

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Woodrow Trathen, Chair

Beth A. Buchholz Rebecca Jordan Rebecca K. Shankland
Aftynne Cheek Elin M. Hoffman Catherine C. Smith
Elizabeth M. Frye David A. Koppenhaver Christopher L. Van Loan
Justin Garwood Larry J. Kortering Devery Mock Ward
J. Thomas Gill Rose Marie Matuszny Margaret G. Werts
Connie R. Green Darrell Morris  
Robin D. Groce Susan Mayfield Pogoloff  

The Department of Reading Education and Special Education includes professionals in reading and special education. This enables the department to provide innovative programs focusing, in a transdisciplinary fashion, on all facets of language, reading and specific areas of exceptionality. All students pursuing programs in the Department of Reading Education and Special Education must meet all requirements for admission into the Reich College of Education.

For information on the graduate programs in the Department of Reading Education and Special Education, please consult the current Graduate Bulletin or contact the department chair.

Reading Education

The responsibility for all undergraduate reading and language arts courses is maintained by the Reading and Language Arts Program in the Department of Reading Education and Special Education. These include courses required of all majors in child development (R E 3902 ), elementary education (R E 3030 , R E 3240 , R E 4030 ), health education (R E 4630 ), business education (R E 4630 ), middle grades education (R E 3150 , R E 4630 ), secondary education and special areas (R E 4620  or R E 4630 ), and special education (R E 3900 , R E 4710 , R E 4620 ). Students should consult their advisor for any revisions in their program major. For students interested in North Carolina licensure in reading (K-12), the Reading and Language Arts Program offers an MA program in reading as well as courses leading to add-on licensure. Please consult the Graduate Bulletin for information.

Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education (478*/13.1011)[T] 

Adapted Curriculum K-12 concentration (478C)[T]

This concentration will prepare students to teach students in grades K-12 who will likely require more significant modifications and adaptation in order to access the general curriculum, and may not be candidates for a career prep, college/tech prep, or college prep diploma from the North Carolina Public Schools. These would include students with intellectual disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, autism, and other health impairments, and others.

General Curriculum K-12 concentration (478B)[T]

This concentration will prepare students to teach students in grades K-12 who will likely be expected to complete the general curriculum requirements for a career prep, college/tech prep, or college prep diploma from the North Carolina Public Schools. These would include students with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, and others.

Special Education, General Minor (487/13.1001)

A student may earn an undergraduate minor in Special Education with 15 semester hours of credit from courses offered by the special education program. Students must declare the minor prior to the last two semesters of residence at Appalachian and they must obtain approval from their home college prior to contracting for the minor in Special Education.



    Bachelor of ScienceMinor


      ReadingSpecial Education

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