Feb 18, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Social Studies Non-Elementary Education Second Academic Concentration
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SAC Code: S S
CIP Code: 45.0101
General Education Requirements (44 hours)
Nine semester hours (9 hours) of courses identified with an asterisk (*) may be applied to satisfy General Education requirements. Social Studies Second Academic Concentration Requirements (18 Hours)
Select 3 Hours from the following
Note For Middle Grades Education Majors
Middle Grades Education Majors selecting Social Studies as one of their two Middle Grades Concentrations satisfy this Social Studies Second Academic Concentration. Middle Grades Education Majors should follow their Middle Grades Social Studies Program of Study and must contract Dr. Laurie Ramirez, Middle Grades Coordinator, 412F College of Education Building, 262-8008. Contact Person: Students should contact their major program coordinator or advisor with questions. If question is in relation to a course listed above, the Chairperson of the department offering the course should be contacted. |
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