Feb 09, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin
Chemistry - Individually Designed Concentration, BS
Program Code: 214*/214F
CIP Code: 40.0501
Major Requirements (62-64 Hours)
Not including 12 hours already counted in General Education Requirements, above 2.0 major GPA is required for graduation. Major GPA calculation will include all courses taken in the major discipline, plus any other courses under Major Requirements. Minimum of 18 semester hours of courses taken to fulfill major requirements must be courses offered by Appalachian. Other Science (6-8 Hours)
An additional 6-8 semester hours selected from astronomy, biology, geology, or physics. GES 2301 may be used in General Education Integrative Learning Experience depending on choices. (Physics courses at the 1000 level are not accepted) Individually Designed Concentration (18 Hours)
A concentration to prepare the chemistry major to pursue other career opportunities may be developed in consultation with the chairperson of the Department of Chemistry and must be individually approved. Electives (12-14 Hours)
Taken to total 120 hours for the degree Total Required (120 Hours)