Feb 09, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin
Sustainable Technology, BS
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Program Code: 571A
CIP Code: 15.0507
General Education (44 Hours) Eighteen hours of major requirements fulfill General Education requirements: - MAT 1020 or higher fulfills Quantitative Literacy. Minimum grade of “C” (2.0) is required for the major.
- PHY 1123 and PHY 1124 fulfills Science Inquiry.
- TEC 2029 ILE: Sustainability and Global Resources and the Social Sciences
- TEC 2601 Liberal Studies Experience
Elective courses in the major may fulfill up to an additional nine hours of General Education requirements: Major Requirements (95 Hours)
An overall 2.0 GPA is required in the major. 18 semester hours must be completed at Appalachian. - Junior Writing in the Discipline (WID)
and - Senior Capstone Experience (CAP) must be met
General Education courses also required for the major (12 Hours)
Introductory Sustainable Technology & the Built Environment Coursework (23 Hours)
Interdisciplinary Coursework (18 Hours)
Select 6 courses. See the Sustainable Technology Program Director for complete list. Recommended courses include: Technical Specialization (42 Hours)
The following are required courses. (12 Hours) Select 10 courses from the following (30 Hours)
Free Electives (8 Hours)
To total a minimum of 120 hours for the degree. Total Required (120 Hours)
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