Feb 15, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin
General Education Requirements
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First Year Seminar
*The First Year Seminar requirement in General Education is waived for students who: 1. graduated from high school at least one year prior to entering Appalachian; 2. are classified as transfer students by Admissions; AND 3. have earned 24 or more transferable semester credit hours at postsecondary institutions prior to entering Appalachian. Credit by exam or for military or life experience is excluded from the 24 semester credit hours. Students whose First Year Seminar requirement in General Education is waived might have three fewer semester credit hours of General Education. Writing Across the Curriculum (6 Hours Required)
Major Requirements
Hours count in major requirements - Junior Writing in the Discipline (“WID” on major program of study)
- Senior Capstone Experience (“CAP” on major program of study)
Quantitative Literacy (4 Hours Required)
4 Hour Courses
These courses fully complete this requirement.: 3 Hour Courses
These courses count toward, but do not fully complete, this requirement.: 1 Hour Courses
For students who transfer 3 hours of QL coursework: If you have transferred 3 hours of QL coursework, please check with your advisor to see if your intended major requires a course which can count for the final QL hour. Wellness Literacy (2 Hours)
Choose from the following: 3 Hour Courses
Additional hour may count as elective: Science Inquiry
Requires 8 semester hours from one theme. Courses in themes marked with an * must be taken sequentially. Check the course descriptions for any pre- and/or co-requisites. A 1 hour lab option may be available for students who have transferred in a 3 hour science lecture course. Please contact the Office of General Education at (828) 262-2028 or gened@appstate.edu for more information. Chemistry Connections to Our Changing World*
Global Environmental Change
Life, Earth and Evolution
The Physics of Our Technological World*
Physics of Self Expression
Restless Planet: Earth, Environment and Evolution
Voyages Through the Cosmos*
3 hours of each required); may be taken in Integrative Learning Experience or Liberal Studies Experience: Integrative Learning Experience
Complete 9 semester hours from a single theme (underlined). Students must take courses from at least two discipline prefixes in the chosen theme with the exceptions of “Appalachian Mountains: Community, Culture, and Land” and “Experiencing Inquiry: How to Ask Questions.” American Culture: Past and Present
This theme is a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural approach to investigating & understanding the culture & society of United States. It analyzes changes & continuity in American culture over time. It focuses on American identities, both individual & collective; the changing roles and contributions of women & minorities in American life; and trends in religious & social thought. Appalachian Mountains: Community, Culture, and Land
This theme examines the social structures, community life, cultural productions, and natural environment of the Appalachian Mountain region. Students investigate the boundaries of the region, including political, economic, cultural, linguistic, geographic, and geological ones through courses that position the region historically and contemporarily in national and international contexts. A central concern among the courses is Appalachian energy resources, especially coal, its history, global significance, current position in national energy debates, and extraction methods including mountaintop removal coal mining. Cultivating Creative Expression
In this theme, students explore the creative process and the connection it has with cognitive, psychological, emotional, bodily/kinesthetic, aesthetic, and social development of the individual. This theme emphasizes the point of view of the creative individual in relationship to society and culture through the lens of each discipline. Experiencing Inquiry: How to Ask Questions
A core value, and central teaching method, of Watauga Residential College has always been the nurturing and development of a restless curiosity in students. The courses in this theme will explore how questions are asked across and between disciplines. While each course will examine research methodologies in a given discipline, more important will be the ways in which students individually and collaboratively cultivate an attitude of critical inquiry. Courses blend an atmosphere of sensory discovery, performance, analysis, and creativity. All courses feature inquiry-based learning, experiential and interdisciplinary methods, cultural immersion, and collaboration. Expressions of Culture
This theme explores the expression of culture through diverse perspectives- language, performance, and forms of communication. Culture and its expression are learned and are reflexive, shaping and shaped by each other. Rituals, both public and private, enact culture and may take the form of performance. Language, spoken and written, expresses and helps define cultural practices. Public, written, and communicative performances enact and reflect culture in myriad ways, serving as cultural markers. From Empire to Globalization
The formation, growth, and power of empires; their colonial regimes (driven to the far reaches of their worlds by appetites for wealth, resources, and human labor); and globalization are intimately linked. Courses in this theme explore prehistoric, ancient, and/or modern empires; illuminate the cultural lives impacted by colonialism; analyze the hegemony exercised through far reaching colonial practices; and consider post-colonial consequences of globalization. How We Know What We Know About the Past: Method, Evidence, Knowledge
The humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences-and their varying disciplines-all at times study events, processes, and facts that took place in the past. But each field and discipline, in pursuing knowledge about their past objects of inquiry, employ different methods and search out different kinds of evidence. In addition, each field operates in different time scales, depending on their subject of study. These time scales have an impact on the development of research questions, on the kind of evidence that is available for collection, on the way we develop and advance our methods for studying the past, and on the knowledge we produce. This theme invites students to consider the relations among evidence, method, time-scale, and disciplinary knowledge, and by so doing aims to cultivate in them a sharper understanding of the way in which scholars define and gather evidence, make arguments about their subjects using evidence, and develop new methods for collecting evidence. Students will also learn about the limits of disciplinary knowledge which result from the availability of evidence and the techniques we have to gather that evidence. This theme will prepare students for higher level thinking about methods, evidence, and knowledge in their majors. How We Tell Stories
What does it mean to tell stories? This theme explores why stories are important to us, how different media present stories, and what happens when artists, writers, filmmakers, and other media producers shift away from narrative and try to do something other than tell a story. The Human-Animal Bond
Although humans and other animals are bound by a common existence as creatures, modern cultures have the human as exceptional, separate from, rather than bound to, animals. While we bond emotionally and psychologically with our companion animals, we have constructed more one-sided and instrumental relationships with other animals, defining them as food, prey, or pests. The courses in this theme explore human-animal bonds in their complexity and contradiction- the myriad of ways in which our connections, both literal and figurative, tie humans practically, ethically, and even spiritually, to other animals. Imagination, Innovation, and Meaning
In this theme, students will explore the concepts of imagination, innovation, meaning, interpretation, and aesthetics. Through the collective courses, students will explore these within historical, cultural, theoretical, and/or practical frameworks. Intersections: Race, Class, and Gender
This theme provides a multidisciplinary examination of the nuances and complexities of social identities across varying social contexts. Particularly, courses will focus on the unique social intersections of race, class, and gender to explore their constructions and variations across local and global cultures. Courses will also question and analyze the multiple systems of privilege, oppression, and discrimination that accompany these various social identities and how they impact human behavior and life chances for individuals. Las Américas
This theme explores the diverse people, cultural legacies, and evolving realities in Latin America. Coursework explores the dynamic relationships, structures, values, and cultural manifestations through multiple disciplines. Revolution: Social and Political:
This theme examines the critical role of political, social, and cultural revolutions in bringing change to human society. Emphasis is on the origins and effects of revolutions through time to the modern day. So You Want to Change the World?
Both C I and FDN prefixes are required. Social Relations Across Contexts:
Our first social interactions occur within the family (PSY 2100, Psychology of Parenting) and these relationships remain among the most influential throughout our lives (SOC 1110, Sociology of Intimate Relationships). Our relationships are influenced by both the society (PSY 2213, Survey of Social Psychology, and SOC 1110, Sociology of Intimate Relationships) and the time in which we live (HIS 1120, History and Society). Finally, our ability to communicate effectively with the people in our lives (COM 2121, Interpersonal Communication) is key to our success. Students in this theme will improve their critical thinking skills, become effective communicators within the family (COM 2121, Interpersonal Communication, PSY 1100, Psychology of Parenting, SOC 1110, Sociology of Intimate Relationships), and develop a better understanding of our society as a whole through a close examination of the responsibilities of community membership (HIS 1120, History and Society, PSY2213, Survey of Social Psychology). Sustainability and Global Resources:
Sustainability is the goal of meeting current and future human needs without undermining human communities, cultures, or natural environments. Addressing this goal requires recognition of the complex interrelationships among environmental, economic, and social forces and re-examination of our relationships to technology, natural resources, natural science, human development, and/or local to global politics. Courses within this multidisciplinary theme address topics such as climate change, environmental pollution, economic globalization, resources inequality, agriculture and sustainable food production, environmental ethics and history, and social justice. War and Peace:
“War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it,” wrote General William Tecumseh Sherman. Unfortunately, most societies throughout history have engaged in warfare. This theme explores the causes, consequences, and morality of war and looks for ways of making the world more peaceful. Liberal Studies Experience:
Complete 12 semester hours from at least three discipline prefixes. - ANT 2100 - East Asia Through Ethnography (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ANT 2400 - Native America Through Ethnography (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ANT 2430 - Magic, Witchcraft and Religion (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ANT 2700 - South Asia Through Ethnography (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ANT 2800 - Latin America Through Ethnography (3) [GenEd: SS]
- A_S 2020 - Appalachia in Film (3)
- A_S 2025 - Appalachian Strings (3)
- ADM 1000 - Apparel and Consumer Behavior (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ARB 1050 - Intermediate Arabic II (3)
- ARH 2030 - Art from Prehistory to 1400 (3) [GenEd: FA]
- ARH 2130 - Art from 1400 to the Present (3) [GenEd: FA]
- ART 2011 - Introduction to Visual Arts (3) [GenEd: FA]
- ART 2016 - Introduction to Studio Art and Design (3) [GenEd: FA]
- AST 1050 - Astrobiology: Exploring Life in the Universe (3)
- CTE 1590 - Personal Money Management (3)
- CHN 1050 - Intermediate Chinese II (3)
- C_I 2000 - Nature and Youth (3)
- COM 2105 - Public Speaking in the Disciplines (3)
- COM 3300 - Media in Society (3)
- COM 3315 - Political Communication (3)
- C_J 3450 - Injustice in America (3) [GenEd: SS]
- DAN 1431 - African Drumming for Dance (3) [GenEd: FA]
- DAN 2800 - Topical Studies in Dance (3) [GenEd: FA]
- DAN 3430 - Early Dance History (3) [GenEd: FA]
- DAN 3435 - Dance History in the Modern Era (3) [GenEd: FA]
- DAN 3445 - Rhythm and Revolution: Dance in Cuba (3)
- ECO 2030 - Principles of Microeconomics (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ECO 2040 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ECO 2620 - Environmental and Resource Economics (3) [GenEd: SS]
- ENG 1500 - Introduction to Literature (3)
- ENG 2030 - World Literature to 1650 (3) [GenEd: LS]
- ENG 2050 - Studies in British Literature (3) [GenEd: LS]
- ENG 2060 - Great Books (3) [GenEd: LS]
- ENG 2070 - World Mythologies (3) [GenEd: LS]
- ENG 2080 - Writing for Change: Advocacy Writing (3)
- ENG 2090 - Rhetorics (3)
- ENG 2175 - Films that Matter (3)
- ENG 2190 - Science Fiction and Fantasy (3) [GenEd: LS]
- ENG 2350 - Studies in American Literature (3) [GenEd: LS]
- ENG 3712 - Literature and Mass Violence (3) [GenEd: LS]
- FCS 2103 - Family Development: Origins and Movement (3) [GenEd: SS]
- FCS 2111 - Social Diversity and the Family (3)
- FIN 2860 - Personal Finance (3)
- FRE 1050 - Intermediate French II (3)
or - FRE 1060 - Accelerated Intermediate French (6) (3 of 6 hours count in General Education)
- GWS 2600 - Introduction to LGBT Studies (3)
- GHY 1020 - Exploring People and Places Globally (3) [GenEd: SS]
- GHY 1040 - Human Geography and Social Justice (3) [GenEd: SS]
- GHY 2300 - Mountain Environments and People (3) [GenEd: SS]
- GHY 3013 - North Carolina (3) [GenEd: SS]
- GER 1050 - Intermediate German II (3)
or - GER 1060 - Accelerated Intermediate German (6) (3 of 6 hours count in General Education)
- HIS 1101 - World Civilization I (3) [GenEd: HS]
- HIS 1102 - World Civilization II (3) [GenEd: HS]
- HIS 1130 - Themes in Global History (3)
- HIS 1200 - American History (3) [FAD] [GenEd: HS]
- HIS 1700 - Themes in European History (3)
- HIS 3210 - Poverty: Theory and Practice (3)
- HIS 3350 - African American History (3) [GenEd: HS]
- HIS 3728 - History of North Carolina (3) [GenEd: HS]
- HON 2515 - Honors Sophomore Inquiry Seminar (3)
- HON 3515 - Honors Junior Inquiry Seminar (3)
- IND 1401 - Product Design (3) [GenEd: FA]
- IDS 3025 - Contemporary Topics in Science and Technology Studies (3)
- IDS 3250 - Internet Studies (3)
- INT 1300 - Design Matters (3) [GenEd: FA]
- JHP 2110 - Judaism (3) [GenEd: HS]
- JHP 3712 - Literature and Mass Violence (3) [GenEd: LS]
- JPN 1050 - Intermediate Japanese II (3)
- LAT 1050 - Intermediate Latin II (3)
- LLC 2030 - The Art of Capoeira, a Brazilian Martial Art: Culture and Practice (3)
- LLC 2060 - Introduction to Latinx Studies (3) [GenEd: LS]
- LLC 3430 - Arthurian Legends (3) [GenEd: LS]
- MGT 2030 - The Business of Building a Better World (3) [GenEd: SS]
- MUS 2011 - Exploring Music in Culture (3) [GenEd: FA]
- MUS 2014 - Jazz Music in American Society (3) [GenEd: FA]
- MUS 2017 - Survey of Musical Theatre (3) [GenEd: FA]
- MUS 2025 - Heavy Metal Culture (3) [GenEd: FA]
- MUS 2052 - Exploring Music Therapy (3)
- MUS 2611 - Music History and Style I (2) [GenEd: HS]
- MUS 2612 - Music History and Style II (2) [GenEd: HS]
- MUS 2613 - Survey of Western Music (3)
- MUS 2616 - Cuban Music and Culture (3) [GenEd: FA]
- MUS 3611 - Music History and Style III (2) [GenEd: HS]
- NUT 2351 - Global Nutrition: Emerging Health Challenges (3) [GenEd: SS]
- P_H 2000 - Introduction to Public Health (3) [GenEd: SS]
- PHL 1000 - Introduction to Philosophy (3)
- PHL 1040 - Critical Thinking Skills (3)
- PHL 1100 - Logic I (3)
- PHL 1501 - Mind, Knowledge, and Reality (3)
- PHL 1503 - Selves, Bodies, and Cultural Diversity (3)
- PHL 2000 - Philosophy, Society, and Ethics (3)
- PHL 3000 - Ancient Philosophies (3) [GenEd: HS]
- PHL 3010 - Philosophy of Disability (3)
- PHL 3013 - Philosophical Aesthetics (3)
- PHL 3015 - Medical Ethics (3)
- PHL 3020 - Metaphysics (3)
- PHL 3040 - Social and Political Philosophy (3)
- PHL 3060 - Philosophy and Mass Incarceration (3)
- PHL 3200 - Modern Philosophy (3) [GenEd: HS]
- PHL 3550 - Philosophy of Mind (3)
- PHL 3600 - Philosophy of Science (3)
- PHO 2032 - History of Photography (3)
- PHY 1600 - Physics and Astronomy - New Ideas (3)
- PHY 2220 - Physics of Food and Cooking (3)
- PLN 2410 - Town, City and Regional Planning (3) [GenEd: SS]
- P_S 1100 - American National Government and Politics (3) [GenEd: SS]
- P_S 1200 - Current Political Issues (3) [GenEd: SS]
- P_S 2130 - State and Local Government (3) [GenEd: SS]
- POR 1050 - Intermediate Portuguese II (3)
- PSY 1200 - Psychological Foundations (3) [GenEd: SS]
- PSY 3010 - Psychology Applied to Teaching (3)
- R_M 2000 - Nature and Youth (3)
- R_M 2100 - Leisure in Society (3) [GenEd: SS]
- R_M 2140 - Natural Resources: Becoming an Informed Citizen (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 1010 - Religion and Imaginary Worlds (3) [GenEd: LS]
- REL 1100 - Religion and Contemporary Issues (3) [GenEd: SS]
- REL 1110 - Religions of the World (3) [GenEd: SS]
- REL 1120 - Confronting Death (3)
- REL 2010 - Old Testament: The Jewish Scriptures (3) [GenEd: LS]
- REL 2030 - Islamic Literature (3) [GenEd: LS]
- REL 2110 - Judaism (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 2120 - Christianity (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 2130 - Islam (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 2140 - Hinduism (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 2150 - Buddhism (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 2180 - Life Without God (3)
- REL 2210 - Religions of China (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 2220 - Religions of Japan (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 2300 - Religion and the Good Life (3)
- REL 3160 - Life and Teachings of Jesus (3) [GenEd: HS]
- REL 3710 - Religion, Ecology, & Biology (3) [GenEd: SS]
- REL 3735 - Gender, Sexuality, and Biblical Interpretation (3) [GenEd: LS]
- REL 3750 - Minds, Brain, and Religion (3) [GenEd: SS]
- RSN 1050 - Intermediate Russian II (3)
- SOC 1000 - The Sociological Perspective (3) [GenEd: SS]
- SOC 2020 - Social Deviance (3) [GenEd: SS]
- SOC 2850 - Constructions of Gender (3) [GenEd: SS]
- SOC 3100 - Gerontology (3) [GenEd: SS]
- SNH 1050 - Intermediate Spanish II (3)
or - SNH 1060 - Accelerated Intermediate Spanish (6) (3 of 6 hours count in General Education)
- SSU 2460 - Somatics and Sustainable Practices (3)
- S_D 2800 - Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development (3) [GenEd: SS]
- TEC 2601 - Energy Issues and Technology (3)
- THR 2025 - Musical Theatre: A History and Appreciation (3) [GenEd: FA]
- THR 2030 - Topical Studies in Theatre (3) [GenEd: FA]
- THR 2300 - Acting for Non Majors (3) [GenEd: FA]
- THR 2610 - Oral Interpretation (3) [GenEd: FA]
- THR 3730 - Early Theatre History and Literature (3) [GenEd: FA]
- UCO 2552 - Climate Responses and Response-Ability (3)
- WRC 1104 - Investigations: Global (6) [GenEd: LS] (This course is available only to Watauga Residential College students)
- WRC 2030 - The Art of Capoeira, a Brazilian Martial Art: Culture and Practice (3)
- WRC 2403 - The Practice of Poetry (3) [GenEd: LS]
- WRC 2405 - Living and Learning in Community (3)
- WRC 3210 - Poverty: Theory and Practice (3)
- WRC 3401 - Myth and Meaning (3) [GenEd: LS]
- WRC 3403 - A Walk in Beauty (3) [GenEd: FA]
- WRC 3665 - Black Mountain College (3) [GenEd: LS]
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