Earth Systems Science Electives (24 Hours)
In consultation with your advisor, a focus area of study will be identified. The courses outlined within your focus area should integrate with your Environmental Science coursework into a degree program that aligns with your interests and career goals.
You will be advised to choose 15 hours from one, predefined focus area and nine hours from other area(s). Predefined areas include: Surface Processes, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Earth Materials, and Biosphere. If a course is chosen in one category, it may not be used elsewhere in the program of study (e.g., if GES 3140 was chosen in the Computational and Multivariate Data Analysis Courses above, it cannot be applied in the Hydrosphere or Atmosphere electives below). Courses in this section may still be double counted towards gen ed requirements as allowed.
At least 15 credit hours total must be from laboratory classes at the 2000 level or higher (courses will be identified as such with your advisor).